Orson Hyde

Ha! Too late, I've cut off contact with just about everybody anyway.

The chuckleheads that dress up like hopolites always give me a laugh

Yep, that's my excuse!

And he did kill Hitler that one time… so…? Even Steven?

Ahem… an easy choice for 35% of Germans.

Cleaveland Little is still trying to find out.

Rock is a skilled orator. He rhymed 'get gas' with 'outta gas'. That's not easy.

I reserve the remainder of my time to the Gentleman from Flavortown.

The narrative framing device doesn't excuse the the shitty attitude of the writer.

Spartacus is so great.

The second one does a better job than the first.

See, if you do Snyder-style fights, you don't need to worry about pacing, choreography, stakes, or geography. When it starts to be a confusing fucking mess just make it real slow for a bit, try to get a butt or a fist center frame… it's all gravy, baby.

Except Ressurection is fantastically entertaining.

"I made some noise… but, I also paid to see your show, so how about a bit more of the second thing chief?"

NO! I thought there was a fleet of vessels, plying the seven seas and exotic ports for the most precious of cargo. I even had a fantasy about a rag-tag crew of outcasts and misfits using an old diesel submarine to obtain peanutbutter filled pretzels from the spice islands… There was probably some stuffy/uptight harbor

I'll admit to an amount of respect for Roth. He's not as gonzo or guerilla as he thinks he is, but there's a personal 'let's put on a show' charm to Aftershock, Green Inferno, and Knock Knock. If he could hook up with a better writer (Leigh Wanell? Lucky McKee?) he could turn out some quality genre flicks.

I hated Dead Money the first time I played it… but man, I have really come around to love it. It's certainly the best DLC for that title.

I started a new New Vegas run the other day… I'm trying to be as 'low karma' as possible, it's weird how there isn't much to do when you adopt that style… Anyway, the Courier's name is 'Scary Mary' and she punches stuff real hard.

Yeah… it sucks… sometimes I just want to watch a fun movie in a theater and not have to deal with chucklefucks. I'd also like to see 'Rocky Horror- Shut the Fuck Up!' screenings start to be a thing.

Neeson has no action-charisma or phisicality… it's still bizarre that he got a half dozen action/thriller movies under his belt. Meanwhile Scott Adkins is slumming it in Thailand.