Orson Hyde

Ah nuts… I mean, ah nuts.

I can't believe we still aren't past the idea that 'my devotion is lessened by your different devotion'… then I wrote that and looked around this site, and felt weird.

Really? When?

I saw Apocalypse Now and Full Metal Jacket too young. It kind of ended me as far as Vietnam movies go.

Renouncing Crom is the first step on the path to accepting Crom.

Right… Mad Men is a blind spot for me.

Eh, makes sense. I hope everything is on the up and up with you.

Yeah [as I remember it] on opening day there were tables set up with cups of water or Coke because the drinking fountains in the park didn't work. I wasn't there on opening day, but that's what I heard from Disney people and other sources over the years. Cola preference being as contentious as it is (for some reason)

Double spoilers! (Full disclosure: I've never seen Platoon, and I don't care)

Red Hats were first! Technically the Yellow Hats are heritics for embracing an institutional bueuracracy rather than an experiential master/student infrastructure, the way Phadmasambhava intended.

Ah so…

I'm still waiting for a Sam analog. Because red headed mechanics are hot.

Yeah, that's what I thought would be Diogo's deal.

Still, you'd think they'd have a 'non-leathal' response available. Sci-fi future tech and all.

I keep meaning to get back to that series. I've read the book and liked the pilot.

Whoa! Spoilers!

Hey, thanks for doing a podcast recap… so… the deep cut Simpsons reference in s1 still hasn't been found? Well fetch me whiskey boy! Time to do god's work.

Boy, was it ever.

She probably has an abhorrence to anthropoid bioweapons. Shit, if MCRN gets a bunch of those, she's out of a job anyway.

That's fine. The more comments, the more the editors see this as a show worth covering.