Orson Hyde

Quite recently, Black Sails had a great finale (yes, I won't shut up about it).

I ended up finishing it out of frustration.

It's a 20 episode anime that is really bad. It's got a cool setting and subject and it fucking squanders any story potential it had and ends with a big wet fart. It's the series that got me out of anime entirely (I wasn't in that deep)… it really fucking sucks. Go watch Jin-Roh.

The series finale aired recently. Not only did it end beautifully, but it didn't overstay its welcome. The seasons are a brisk 10 episodes and focused. There's no meandering or stalling and the characters really started to grow on me. I never thought I would recommend 'that Michael Bay pirate show' so

Ah ha, I'll look into that.


You get to choose the names in these type of anecdotes. Go wild. Like 'Heirawn' and 'The Kaiserette'!

How do you get a vote? Is it like The Razzies where you can just buy in?


Like. Seriously… it comes to a very satisfying ending after 4 seasons and there's pirate-y ass dudes doing pirate-y ass shit.

It's time for your weekly reminder that Black Sails is still a thing, and still quite good.

Maybe, but from where I stand it looks like they're trying sell people on a trilogy that they are supposed to buy. Rather than making a compelling story that people would like to know more about. You know, the old 'it'll all get explained it the sequels' thing. I am not a fan of such things.

Arbitrary quizzes.

True, I wouldn't mind seeing the other tweets (though I could guess their content).

Hmmm I never read the books. I just think Harris is an amazing human being, and I'm sad I never got in a drinking contest with him.

Fly them over on the Avro Arrow! Or better yet launch them from the Gerald Bull Supercannons you have leftover.

Did Harris read the books?

Ha! Classic Harris.

There's some kittens in my house. I call them 'Clown Nose' and 'Shit Beard'… the mom I call 'Weird Cat'.

My friend had a huge fucking tortoise. He named it Shellen Ripley.