Orson Hyde

"Hey why does it smell like seven dead horses?"

You made me feel bad. I hate your favorite band now.

I don't want to get too dismissive, but Catholics are much better at squaring the circle of being 'pro-life' vs 'anti-abortion'.

Still makes me chuckle.

Man… how weird was that whole thing? 'Isn't this guy a piece of shit?'
'I guess he wanted to make a statement about a thing, whatever he's got that football player money.'
'Oh you're one of them. We all need to pull together or this country is going to fall apart!'
(From my upcoming autobiography 'Small Talk at a Bar')

Eh, sure. We could get lengua tacos and go see Moonlight.

There's always Cumia Network.

There's a fun bit in the article 'Repuclican Waterloo' over at The Atlantic. Frum talks about moderating the conservative movement after 2008 would be bad for ratings. He's not wrong (judging by Beck's numbers)… Still, the conservative media personalities have this weird thing where they can't separate 'bad ratings'

I was about to go on a big schpiel about industrial hemp… but, eh, fuck it.

That's a bit harsh.

One free ice cream cone per citizen per year?

It was a major plot-point in 'Run Ronnie Run'.

A few years ago, a friend was telling me about an elaborate multi course meal he got at some fancy place in Chicago or some fucking place. He used the term 'food porn' to an excessive and distressing amount.

Ahhh nuts, I always get here after the crazy comments get deleted.

My useless counterpoint is: but it's sooooooooooo good.

Right on. Get off my lawn, etc etc.

I did make good on watching 'Ball of Fire' this week. Holy shit, it's awesome.

Awww man, fuck you. I want Raw to show in my neck of the woods so much. Is it getting a 'real' release there? Or just showing at FilmBar?

Sounds about right.

Disagreement! Just because you can't get through Gravity's Rainbow doesn't make it bad.