In general, weekends (and especially weekend mornings and afternoons) are the toughest times to shop at Costco, as their stores are busy, the register lines are long, and their parking lots are full.
In general, weekends (and especially weekend mornings and afternoons) are the toughest times to shop at Costco, as their stores are busy, the register lines are long, and their parking lots are full.
Thanks for the mention of Illich’s talk.
I'm with you. All of the on-field cameras timecode their raw capture down to the millisecond, and they're all synchronized to a common clock.
These students are already paying (through their student fees) for the counseling services hosted by the university. It would certainly be a hardship for those students who don't have the money to forgo their paid-for counseling in order to purchase private counseling off-campus.
Really? Not any of his cooking posts? Those are hands down my favorites.
Zaleski is being rightly pilloried in the comments of her Fortune article. And in discussions on both Metafilter and Reddit, her newfound perspective is being nicely filleted and roasted.
Kenny and the other guys were also doing the arena play-by-play, so Jet had to play the hype man (thus C.R.E.A.M.) to the fans in the seats at Barclay's Center as well as those of us watching on TNT.
I've always roasted broccoli in (more or less) the way that Adam describes at Amateur Gourmet, and I've loved it.
For smaller rooms, around from 100 to 150 square feet, the Lasko Model 754200 Ceramic Heater with Thermostat (…) is my choice.
For smaller rooms, around from 100 to 150 square feet, the Lasko Model 754200 Ceramic Heater with Thermostat (http://…
These are good suggestions on a useful topic, Heather. Thanks for the post.
Absolutely KTVU is to blame.