
Thank you for saying this. It’s too real. It’s the same issue with the “wall”. Even if the plans go under, that wall has existed this entire time. Even if it is built and torn down, it does nothing for the very tangible wall of laws and condemnation to the other side and hate and abuse and subjugation of the Mexican

I don’t know, but Bennett and McCourty did this after the anthem:

Well, “our side” as you put it is more a “majority of minority interests,” for starters.

Because liberals have a tendency to devolve into bickering and infighting against those who fail their liberal “purity” tests. They refuse to work together with those they disagree with, and vilify good people because they aren’t “good enough,” and so they consistently shoot their own causes in the foot.

Lots of reasons, but mainly I’d say it’s a naive belief in a just world and the fact that when people with actual power go up against people who only believe they have power (perhaps fuelled by an internet echo chamber) the people with real power tend to win.

Because “our side” is rich, white, and comfortable. We feel for the poor, the non-white, the immigrant, but really their problems are abstractions to us. Whatever happens that’s bad, it won’t happen to us. So we can afford to be complacent.

There’s plenty of pats fans who hate fucker trump.

Because when it comes to elections, we are 4-year cicadas. For every presidential election that we come out for, there are three others that we roll over. The reason why conservatives dominate is because they control state and local elections, which in turns sets the rules for mundane but important stuff like who

Well, see, there was this big fight about whether 12.50 or 15 dollars was a better minimum wage and when the people who wanted to go for 12.50 ended up winning the primary some of the 15 dollar people were like “ok, 12.50 is better than the 7.25 it is now” while some of the other people were FURIOUS that it wasn’t

It’s really ouite simple, You have to have the stamina to contantly relaease your rage at others just because it makes you feel omnipotent. In otherwords, be a dick and don’t look back.

Well, I mean, the Falcons should have ran the ball more and controlled the clock. That’s on the OC.

Liberals have offered no powerful vision of the future, its been 3 decades of neo-liberalsim, which has now been fully rejected.

Because the other side understands that first you win, then you sort out the details.

In the first 3 scenarios the losing team told the people that everything was fine and moving down the existing path was the best option. The side that won told people that things were not good and enough people believed them.

“The dying gasp of the liberal is, ‘we’ll MAKE them understand!’”

Why can’t we win? To start, because complex problems cannot be answered in 140 characters or less. In a society where large swaths of the population have the attention span of a gnat, where a 3 minute commercial break is too long, intelligent discourse can’t help but be the first casualty.

Because we allow dissent and competing opinions, and we will listen and try to bridge gaps. The right wing is far more authoritarian, and people don’t mind you lying so much as they respect conviction. There is one way in the GOP. The Democrats had the Bernies and the Hillarys and threw an ideological hissy fit.

Because Baby Boomers aren’t dead, are in a higher tax bracket, think they know everything, and for some reason don’t think Anyone under 4o is worth passing the torch to. Give it 10 to 15 years and it will bounce back like a rubber band so fast!

The Democrats were winning. The rich career politicians with lobbyists filling their pockets for special interests and Obama the Senator with no Political Experience. Now the Republicans are winning. Rich career politicians with lobbyists filling their pockets for special interests and Trump the tycoon with no

It is simple - stupid people fuck like bunnies, so they are the majority.