
But they are “born that way.”

I’m just waiting for someone to sucker punch this guy Richard Spencer-style.

What I want to know is why the Justice Department issued a report that basically threw Michael Brown under the bus. They said he probably didn’t have his hands up, reached into the car and grabbed the cop, posed a physical threat, the cop acted in self-defense, etc.

227! Jackee and a young Regina King. At least someone remembers.

Sanders shouldn’t be talking about having a “clue.” One of his main selling points was breaking up the banks, yet when the Daily News asked him how he’d follow through he stumbled and mumbled his way through a response that amounted to “well, you just break them up.” Anyone remember that embarrassing episode?

Kimmel should be the poster child for the privileges of white mediocrity.

I kinda like that shot of her.

The NRA just announced it wants to repeal the Second Amendment.

Let’s be honest. This was the Democratic leadership deciding to go with the guy who’d be less objectionable to white folks. The choice was between going all in on in-your-face diversity or hedging bets with accommodationism.

Warren Beatty and Faye Dunaway read that La La Land was the winner

The presenters had mistakenly been given the wrong category envelope, and when discovered, was immediately corrected,”PwC said in a statement.

for reasons known only t herself

You know what else “Making America Great Again” looks like?

It’s time to admit the truth: there’s a serious problem with the physical punishment of children. Use violence of any kind on a child as discipline and the child internalizes the message that violence is an appropriate means of getting one’s way. You normalize violence and makes the child more insensitive to using it

Any obituary for BLM is premature. There are always going to be periods when a movement is not at the center of attention while it plans its next move. It also doesn’t help that so much of the anti-Trump movement — looking at you, white women — has been insensitive to the concerns of black people.

For the record, it’s possible to be on one side or the other and still blame Susan Sarandon.

I don’t want this to turn into a classroom so I will try to make this brief. You cited case law from 1976, it is currently 2017. The law is ever changing and since 1976 there have been changes to the law.

The interwebs will be our salvation. All the armies in the world can’t stop a technology whose time has come.

You’re harping on the issue of knocking on the door, but where in the article does it say they did that?

The Supreme Court’s test for exigent circumstances: