
That is really judgemental. I know more than a few incredibly responsible, wonderful parents who occasionally smoke weed or have an edible. They don’t get incredibly high in front of their kids, they don’t walk around in a fog. You really need to research.

It’s like you’re trying to prove the point of the sentence that you’re trying to argue with.

Right?! We have ALL had that friend.

Maybe there should be more role models of young people who smoke pot and didn't become parents who clearly resent their kids?

I’m going to go ahead and guess that you don’t share the same feelings about alcohol/caffeine/sugar etc?  

Based on current animal and human studies as well as on interviews with athletes and information from the field, cannabis can be performance enhancing for some athletes and sports disciplines.

It’s also important to remember that for all of their extraordinary feats, athletes are still human. None of us are infallible, and hopefully, Richardson learns from this situation”

I am constantly lost on why or how the unions/guilds/etc let Netflix get away with this.  They must be seeing the books to audit their royalties somehow, right?

Yes but Lewis and Cummings weren’t on the Supreme Court with an opportunity to hand their seat over to someone else. While I think she had the best interests of the country as a goal, her inability to step down to protect the work she’d done led directly to appointing a successor that’s going to work very hard to undo

If there were a conspiracy to take down Cosby, it would have to be a conspiracy ACROSS TIME, seeing as his accusers spanned about 40 years. For it to be a conspiracy, there’d have to be some Doctor Who shit going on.

should’ve been charged with a second one with how she was towards gayle

100%. AND Breyer isn’t gonna retire. He’s gonna fuck us just like RBG did.

The Court played nice on the culture war stuff because their focus was on attacking democracy.

Fred Hampton was assassinated by the police and FBI as part of an orchestrated conspiracy to take down a visionary leader of many black citizens. MLK assassinated, Malcolm X assassinated. Black men with power and influence have not fared well in this country. It’s a small miracle that Frederick Douglass died of old

Oh dear lord.

It's fine he's just starting a cult on his own compound in Wyoming and refers to himself as god and a genius regularly. I'm sure nothing will go wrong. 

Why do I get the feeling that when/if the conservatorships are lifted, her bank accounts will be mysteriously empty and her father nowhere to be found.

“Someone has to weigh the risks”

From a disability rights perspective, we’re over a decade deep into this thing, she’s able to reasonably state why it’s overly burdensome, and she’s been touring or doing residencies, apparently against her will, for nearly that entire time. At some point, the goal of a conservatorship needs to go beyond just making

The list of famous men who have gone off and beyond the deep end is long and distinguished. I don’t recall any of them ever being remanded into a conservatorship. By the standard applied to Britney Spears (making bad financial and life decisions), most NFL players should be under a conservatorship. Conservatorships