orlando for vita

Are we using number of Grandparents as the hierarchy now?

America was supposed to be the shining light of the world

Okay, but can reporting on this story PLEASE emphasize that the camp is located on unceded treaty land? Not only are they being ordered to leave, but they’re being ordered to leave land that actually belongs to them.

We’re going to need to rewrite the entire language. The one we have has been blunted by misuse.

continually rolling out her bonafides when she does something like this is getting tiresome as well - it devalues the currency of the facts seems less like earnest empathy and more like i have a black friend!

lena dunham : profile in courage.

As a mother of a child on the spectrum, can you please dismiss any comments mocking Trump for having an autistic child? I hate Trump with a fiery passion, but that shit is off limits.

Mike Pence has been an anti-LGBTQ hate monger for years and just won an election on a campaign based on that same hate mongering.

May the child here find a supportive other family.


I greatly appreciate anyone right now who reiterates how NOT NORMAL this is and has been. Anyone who treats this as a “you win some, you lose some, lets work together now” election can shut the hell up. The fact that this happened means we know nothing- and anything can happen.

Watching white nationalists celebrate while innocent Americans cry tears of fear does not feel like America.

At the very least every single trump voter was willing to sacrifice the health, safety, and civil liberties of women, minorities, disabled, immigrants, lgbt, etc. for their own security. Looking the other way makes you complicit in his actions. If he does a racist/sexist/etc thing, you are just as guilty as he is. You

Yeah, I just had to tell a young woman at work, that yes, her “nice” white friends who voted for Trump because they wanted “change,” not because they’re racist, can fuck off along with the KKK. I told her that to people like me, there is no difference between an openly racist person and a person who simply doesn’t

“NOM doesn’t want to execute gay people, silly. It just wants to stop them from getting married, adopting children, or being protected from discrimination. Totally different!”

“I will be the best for the gays”— Donald Trump ::nominates Mike Pence days later::

Start donating and volunteering with pro-lgbt organizations. They are gonna need money and resources to fight this bullshit. Fuck NOM

We now have definitive proof that gay marriage changes fuck all in people’s lives. But apparently 2016 is the year that common sense, decency and actual facts have left the building so these NOM assholes will probably do well.

Now I, on the other hand, can find a story in just about anything. I once went to see a ballet production of Anne of Green Gables. The dancers were all in basic nude-ish looking leotard things, and it was all very modern dance-ish. But I gamely tried to follow the story and sort out which characters the dancers