Orion Kannan

I think I will chime in on this one. I am not only a blade maker but a metallurgical engineer who might know a think or two about this sort of thing. I would be curious exactly how you would make a good knife, and what makes this one not good? I give you fair warning, my response to your less than educated reply is

I have to agree with him. I liked the way Man of Steel ended.

I’m sorry, but as a Canadian, I can assure you that there’s NO replacement for good winter tires. There’s no such thing as “good all seasons”. Those are summer tires that are slightly better when its wet... maybe.

Followed by meteor showers and tidal waves
Followed by faultl lines that cannot sit still
Followed by millions of dumbfounded dipshits

Dude, wut? Excel is frickin AWESOME! Being good at excel is the closest thing to being a wizard I’ll ever be

“That still means that we’re meant to fill in blanks using information not offered in the movie.”

I’m excited for Silicon Valley more at this point I think.

“I mean, it’s fresh, clean snow for all of us...”

Have you watched Vikings? If you haven’t, you should. It’s very good.

Anytime the History Channel does something that’s actually history (and not aliens or swamp people or pawn shops), I must support it.

It’s not that dumb. It’s a real term used by real engineers.

Guys, can I point out something? “Iran” is the Farsi pronunciation of “Aryan”. Iranians are “white”. Oh, sure, Persians have been conquered by Arabs enough times that they’ve picked up a darker skin tone, by and large- like Sicilians and Spaniards. Who are also “white”.

A bit outdated now, but still a goldie:

No, showy masturbatory lightsaber theatrics like this are why the Prequels sucked balls. Give me the simple, yet brutal lightsaber fighting of ESB and ROTJ any day. This is two people trying to kill or maim one another, not a flag team performance.

Really dude?

I’m waiting for the Old Spice tie-in commercial... he could be the spokesman for Old Spice Swagger... or maybe they can come up with a new scent, Crimson... the smell of lethality, with undertones of copper, gun powder and bacon... because everything is better with bacon.

Getting mad about this movie being bad now feels like yelling at a 13 year old kid because her zelda cosplay dress has the wrong pattern. It’s true, but clearly a lot effort and love went into making it.

Imagine you spent your life loving stories of heroes and magic, fantasizing about fantasy, (which you likely did, considering the site you’re posting on). As you grow up, you get jaded and have to accept that none of that is real. You come to terms with the fact that the world is a relatively mundane place where you

Bear from PoI would be the muscle

Wouldn’t it be nice to have a spin off comic of minor the dog and Clyde the turtle from elementary teaming up to solve crime? Clyde could be the traditional Mycroft type and stay at home and solve crime with his bring and minor could be the run about front man who gathered clues and chased down the criminals. I wish I