
Except these are not limited edition. Porsche will sell you as many as you are willing to buy. The fact that they sold 421 of the previous Clubsport model proves that. That’s an insanely high number of race cars. 

But, could it detect fire trucks, a known stealthy-and-hard-to-see-obstacle, especially when stopped directly ahead of you, in your lane, with the lights on and guys in bright yellow jackets moving around it? Devilishly hard to see, those fire engines are.

Problem with that is; coal miners mine coal, they don’t empty cars.

I enjoyed this trailer, when does the movie come out?

Hyundai has rewarded the driver, one Farrah Haines, with a brand new replacement for the high mile hero."

I’m all for broad inclusion in topical discussions, but how exactly is Tumblr banning fucking and thus fucking itself a “video game” disappointment? Disappointing, sure, and still a fresh wound for many, but where’s the connection?

Cleans out truck to prepare for sale. Finds weed. Two hours later is found vacuuming patterns in cargo area.

I’m still struggling with the idea of his vehicles having interior trim, or at least him replacing it.

Now that I see you fall, not fly, I notice I can not edit either. I’ll let someone know we’ve been trapped with our initial expressions.

So really you only wear a watch so you can bring up that you also fly. Nice.

I once had a very accomplished professional photographer turn to me and go “why do you shoot film? no, really, why?” and I was like uhhhhhhhhh and have been so for the past year and change

Woah you splurged for trim removal tools? I figured you for a 2 flathead screw driver attack man for sure!

“the Rolls-Royce of raccoon lairs.” 

Something that stands out to me is that today’s cars are getting almost too nice. Looking at the new cars on the list, every one of them is ragged for being basically being boring. “Driving it feels like going to work in a fog because you slept poorly the night before and when you get home, you have no memory of what

There’s only one appropriate reply to this:

DT needs a limit for Jeep references on all posts, not just What Should I Buy. Really David, this was one of the best cars you drove in 2018?

Is it wrong that I want a “worst of 2018” list a bit more than “best of 2018”?

Alternate headline

Ya did good.