
Yeah...should learn from Experts...like EA...or Ubisoft...oh wait...

It was revealed last week that the California office is now branded as "Konami" instead of "Kojima Productions." From what I recall, they're responsible for managing the multiplayer portion of MGSV, so I imagine they'll be pretty busy leading up to and following the launch of the game. I wouldn't be too concerned

It does, but we don't know where MGS:TPP ends. For all we know, it IS MG1 and MG2. :) xD

I thought it bridged the gap between Peace Walker and Metal Gear for the NES.

Kojima has said a few times that he is tired of redoing old games. The reason he's said wanted to leave the Metal Gear franchise as the front person is presumably because he's tired of that story.

I can tell you where you won't find him: working on a new Zone of the Enders game.

Did any check under the orange box?

I'm sure things will be okay! Maybe there's some sort of gag order (that correct?) where they need to finalize his departure and to be make sure nothing leaks they had him go dark.

Actually, I spent most of Type-0 identifying characters by the weapons they use in combat. King, right, that's the guy with the guns. Seven is the one with the badass chain whip. And Jack, yeah, he's that overpowered katana-wielder who runs like Roy Hibbert.

No way. It's totally a fad, and it'll stay that way for a loooong time.

It's important to remember that the vast majority of people who play video games as a regular past time, love the fact they can do it in a comfy couch, with minimal physical interaction. As soon as you introduce peripherals that cause your head to

I don't play games to fritter away my time.

That's very true, but you have to note that "progress" is subjective. FOr this game, progress means mastering everything from team synergy to map-knowledge. It's a game where you get out what you put into it. It's exactly why playing the same four maps in L4D never got boring, but more satisfying as I learned more

Yeesh, did you play Inferno on the original release? If you didn't get lucky with the right items while leveling you would get stuck a few acts in for MONTHS.

My guess is Spring. I'm pretty sure they always do one for the new season.

After an expansion, a console port, and several patches, Diablo III looks really healthy right now. With tons of