
I really really hate Netflix’s automatically playing the trailers for things if I stay “too long” on a selection. Is there any way to turn the feature off?

Oh I didn’t mean literally.

Does that mean they get beaten for reading and writing? (edited to add, no one deserves that)

It’s on DVD! Squee!

Oh man, Ronin Warriors! I had all the action figures! Sailor Moon was my first exposure to Anime. I even got up early to watch it before going to High School.

Mine was The Great Steak and Fry Co. Their french fries were amazing.

So so much, beautifully put

And mocked a disabled person

Wwwwhhhyyy does no reporter ask that exact damn question!

Very cool! I’ve never heard of that before.

And wow that’s some serious walking, good for you!

What’s 5-HTP?

Right now I’m on Naltrexone (it keeps you from getting that “high” when drinking). It’s been helping (I’m no longer getting drunk when I drink, but I’d still like to start limiting my drinking for health reasons). I do notice I eat more when I’m not drinking. But walking (easier when the weather’s nice. I live in MN :

Yeah keeping busy could definitely helpful.

Do you mind if I ask what methods you’re using to stay sober?

Fucker stay out of my state! There are protests planned.

Thank You! : ) and I’m sorry what Trump has done on the world’s stage as well. Know that the majority of the American people don’t stand with him.

Ugh, giving children pornography is often one of the first ways a paedophile starts to “groom” a child for further abuse ...

I just feel so powerless and afraid all.the.time. Both, for myself, and for this country. I feel like it’s going to get so, so much worse before it gets better, if it even can. So much of this evil will echo for decades and for generations of people to come ... And so much of it all just seems like common sense. All

It’s all so heartbreaking. Some/many of these families may never see their kids again or be able to get them back. Not to mention the mental, emotional, and physical scars they will all carry. All because they wanted a better life for themselves and their families.