I'm with you. And I fucking worked for Bear Stearns.
I'm with you. And I fucking worked for Bear Stearns.
Nah, way off base. I think it's closer to 9:1.
Weird, just listened to this after reading about them on Christgau's website (if you haven't read it, he has all of his Consumer Guides and other writings there, fun way to nerd out):
There was a 3 bucket recycling plan here recently too, still blew up.
It was an early Netflix streaming find and now is in regular rewatch rotation. Too bad it couldn't find an audience, terrific cast.
"You know those safes that are bolted into the closets of hotel rooms? You can put one in your own home for $47."
Sure! If you're going back to the roots you may want to check out Tangerine Dream as well. Some of their music requires a bit more engagement than standard ambient music but it's excellent stuff.
Have you listened to Eno yet? Try the Apollo soundtrack, also the stuff he did with Cluster is great. Something more recent that I like is Stars of the Lid. I have "And Their Refinement…" and "The Tired Sounds…" and love them both.
Those Harlequin Romance and self-help books ain't gonna move by themselves.
The AV Club: newswire articles about White House Noise Machine
The IoT knows no bounds.
Fitbit for your dick.
Yeah well, that's just like your opinion, man.
So that works out to almost exactly 10% growth per year, but doesn't account for the 90% of new channels you'll never watch.
Amazon Basics = Cheap As Fuck
I don't think he's preserving, protecting or defending right.
It's a special offer for people who don't currently subscribe to either. And it's $5/week, not month. The rate is good for a year, then goes up after that.
"and there’s every sense that by the end, the series will give a definitive answer to what happened to Ollie."
Is it me, or does the functioning temperature range for that dash cam suggest that global warming thing ain't gonna go so well for the world?
I developed a taste for it the first time I visited London. Over the years I've decided it goes best with Philly cream cheese.