Magister Mundi

Far Cry 2 and apparently 4, since it does the best things 3 did, but better (I have not played 4 yet - computer can't handle it - but I have played 3). Far Cry 1 released at the same time Half-Life 2 did, thereabouts, and although it's still a game worth playing, it's not essential like Half-Life 2 became.

Yup! Here you go: http://reubenblog.typepad.com/reubens_blog/

Some of the narrative effect has faded, and as you can see the website design is definitely dated, but it's still pretty solid. Start from the beginning of the archive.

It did. So does DOTA 2. The Source Engine is a very robust, flexible thing... that's why it's still being used 11 years after its release. So, yes - and inventory system is very, very doable.

Maybe they're using an older version of the engine for some reason?

I'm sad you didn't mention what I thought was one of the best parts: the interactive, immersion-building viral marketing. Specifically, the fake Reuters reporter whose audio logs you find throughout the game (and briefly meet) that had a separate travel website that you could visit before and after the game launched

CS: GO is known for its tense, precise gun play, where sharp reflexes, extremely high tactical awareness, and a detailed knowledge of the map are all essential to winning. It's the most commonly played eSport FPS game for a reason - it demands wits, diligence, and a very quick trigger finger in order to be a

The ARMA 2 control scheme - and movement scheme, and combat scheme, and damage scheme - is generally pretty unwieldy and clunky. It takes a lot of getting used to, and even once you still, it still feels awkward (at least in my experience). It's a hard-core milsim that doesn't appear to understand the concept of "user

Not really. Both of those campaigns funded the games themselves, and not much else. Sales from the games are enough to keep staffers paid at a half-way decent salary (only slightly underpaid and overworked!), but they're not generally going to be enough for a whole new game. That's generally how it goes with indie

Do so. It's an objectively superior game.

You are, essentially. It was more a proof of concept than anything. Dragonfall is truly excellent.

Also, food carts. Food carts everywhere. Both for your eating enjoyment and for the pleasure of seeing them flying through the air as you plow a bus through them.

"Beaverton" is a name ready-made for a GTA suburb. (joke credit)

Wait, you think he was actually serious and was simply pretending he wasn't? Really? With a name like that?

...it's a joke. He's joking. His name is "Gamergated ManFortress." Come on, now - I know sarcasm and intent are hard to read on the Internet, but I feel like that should have given it away.

Right? It would be kind of fantastic. A stat of 0 in whatever position it holds, the inability to be assigned on missions (tooltip reason: "...it's a horse."). I would pay good money for that!

...well, $1.99 or whatever it is for cosmetic changes, but still!

Play as the vassal of one of your buddies that does know how to play the game. I had a friend who was having an impossible time figuring it out, but he played as one of my dukes, and together the Kingdom of Abyssinia controlled all of African and every single southernmost province on the map, from the border of China

Not my image, but I, too, have decreed the Pants Act in my game. I also appointed a horse to my small council, because a horse, of course.

I lol'ed. Then I saw your name and lol'ed some more. I'm going to start following your adventures, I think.

Considering that my phone auto-corrected "life support" to "light support" and I'm also unable to edit it, no worries.

So... if it's not an MMO, despite having all the major trappings of an MMO (thousands of players, raids, public areas, PVP, several servers, loot drops, build types, etc, etc.), then what IS an MMO, and how do you define it? Because as far as I can tell in my (admittedly) brief time playing, it's just as much an MMO

He was brain dead. There's no pulling through that. And as the story mentioned, they turned off the light support machines.