Of course they are. That's pretty standard corporate practice.
Of course they are. That's pretty standard corporate practice.
Update: This is a decent article on them - http://well.blogs.nytimes.com/2011/08/17/are….
Seems like you only really need to do a few at a time, which makes sense, and it's important that you do them properly.
Still up for debate, I think. I've had professionals tell me both ways. All I can say is that, anecdotally, I definitely feel a difference after a month of doing regular crunches. Are there more effective ways of exercising those muscles? Perhaps, but I'm not aware of them, and the nice thing about crunches is that…
Yeah. That's me as well. I have a medical condition that has made it unsafe for me to do any high-intensity workouts for over a year, but now that I'm getting back into it... it's just so excruciatingly dull. And you really need to sink an hour into it for it to be really worth it. I could be spending that hour doing…
Fortunately, those are the two of the more important exercises, but I feel ya. There's only so much you can do at home, at least if you want to build muscle and not just stay lean.
I'm not arguing that the majority of teens are having premarital sex, and I've never argued that, although I realize I worded my original statement poorly (common average does not mean majority of populace; I meant the former, and I apologize for the confusion). What I AM arguing is that the average age that most…
No ego-stroking here. I don't even remotely care if you're upset by it or not. Really, I don't. Your life, your faith, your feelings. But it does seem like a certain element of denial.
I think it's also worth mentioning that claiming membership in a faith is not the same thing as following all of its tenants, and even…
Huh. Maybe you went to a different type of high school I went to. Sex was not an unheard of part of life, and in fact in some (fairly large) circles was a pretty big part of the high school experience.
Regardless, the modern teenage opinion on "no sex until marriage" is that it's fairly old-fashioned and generally…
Right, but as I said and posted, most people in the United States first have sex at age 17. That's the statistical average. Which certainly means that some people first have sex after 17, but it also means quite a few first have sex before 17.
Waiting until marriage to have sex is primarily a religious thing, and with…
Depends on where he lives. In the United States, the average age of kids having sex is 17. Some states are as low as 14. But, considering that over half of the states in the U.S. have an age of consent of 16, that seems pretty reasonable to me.
Note also that this is specifically…
I'm an Oregonian in the Willamette Valley, but I spent a third of my life (and was born in) Arizona. Interestingly, it placed me in Vegas, basically half-way between the two. That makes a strange sort of sense.
I sort of expect someone with air power to just do strafing runs.
I'm not the only one. There are a bunch of sardonic comments from wary Redditors, too. (My favorite: "Football in No Man's Land Cherno anyone?" Reply: "Except Nazis had more honor than your local cherno bandit." Historically inaccurate, maybe, but the sentiment is understood.)
I'm not the only one. There are a bunch of sardonic comments from wary Redditors, too. (My favorite: "Football in No Man's Land Cherno anyone?" Reply: "Except Nazis had more honor than your local cherno bandit." Historically inaccurate, maybe, but the sentiment is understood.)
The iron costs more. Although you'll get death glares when you decide to ship them using flat rate services.
I didn't believe it at first, but apparently that single mom really DID make $47,000 working from home.
I'd like to see them start a new franchise and pitch Fallout 4 back over to Obsidian, myself. Best of both worlds.
I do use Drive on both of my mobile devices (iPad and a Samsung Galaxy S4), and it's regularly a lifesaver.
But yes. At least offering an option between the two interfaces would be a start.
Yeah, that's often my method when at home or on my work laptop (we have a staff list that I can easily parse and copy-paste just the addresses from), but it's when I'm on mobile devices or someone else's computer that it gets irritating. Though the e-mail the list to myself in plain text idea isn't a bad one... Hm.
It is feasible, and that's often what I do. However, there are times when I want to be a little more specific (only certain people in a department, specific temporary teams, etc.) and creating groups for all of them isn't terribly convenient. Our staff also shifts somewhat regularly, so constantly updating the group…