
I grew in Florida and went to school with children of Cuban exiles, their parents forced to leave their money and most personal possessions behind because both Batista and Castros governments would not allow them to take it with them. Basista was a dick and Castro took it to the nest level. People had to rebuild their

While I have friends who did their med school in Cuba, acknowledge the role he played in supporting Mandela (to a large degree because he wanted to tweak the nose of the US any way he could) and agree that US policy in Latin America has often been a disaster, I have little sympathy for someone who executed 5000

Is this from Willow? Man I loved that movie so much.


Did he turn himself in because he’d been forced to be a mule? It’s the only explanation I can think of.

Nah, Schlafly didn’t believe it. If she did, why did she spend her life on the road speaking and advocating instead of at home as she encouraged? She was as full of shit as every other ultra-conservative “family values” advocate in that all she really wanted to do was make a career out of fighting a force

Still hanging onto that “Latinx” nonsense like a hungry lamprey, eh, Julianne?

ColOmbian. Sorry, it's a huge pet peeve.

It was damn good to the end. I don’t understand the hatred of the last season, especially that last episode. We ALL knew where they were heading. Even that last scene, with the rise of the robots happening again excites me when I think about it.

Lurked in the Gawker comments, can confirm. It’s truly impressive.

Semenya also had internal testes and was (if I remember correctly) XY.

Her test results were never released so any talk of internal testes is speculation at best. The closest I could find was the NYT Article which discusses internal testes but says whether she has them is unknown:

This is pure, unfair speculation. The results of the testing she underwent were never released. Any reports saying she is XY or has internal testes are bullshit speculation.

Where are you getting this information? The results of the tests she underwent were never released, so unless you are her doctor it is not possible that you would know this information.

Agreed. Ugh, this leaves a horrible taste in my mouth. This woman’s argument is all about how they all feel together, they know how they all feel, feel feel feel all the fucking feels. Yet, not once does this trick even bother to think about how Semenya feels. That her very fucking existence is being challenged,

Sadly, it won’t change a damn thing when it comes to the majority of private prisons, which are run by state governments. And nothing in this article indicates that the federal government plans to end immigration detention centers which are run by private companies either.


Some athletes believe hormonal bc decreases their aerobic ability and/or causes weight gain. If I were an elite level athlete, in the meet of my career, I wouldn’t be on hormonal bc.

A lot of people on Jezebel love to criticize me for not being an avid Hillary supporter. I will vote for her because she isn't Trump, that doesn't mean she was my first choice. But the reason I don't trust her is that she always seemed willing to let other women's lives be destroyed by her husband so she could advance