Dear Paris,
I think it’s about time we had a Presidential candidate who was staunchly all about that business, boss.
And so it was,
Scary moment after the game when Tebow seemed confused by the ‘men running after him’ on the field. When his manager explained that they were there to check him for a head injury — he sternly reiterated that he was still saving himself for marriage.
I literally couldn’t agree more...
Or McGregor looking to squeeze every last penny out of this cluster fuck.
Oh, cool. I have some family in Avon Lake. I’m on the East Side in the suburbs. We have a close family friend who owns a ticket company — which is awesome — he always has great seats for sale. I was in a pretty gnarly car accident last September and spent the duration of the Tribe’s playoff run in the hospital. …
Do you live in Northeast Ohio?
I didn’t know I needed this. Now I know this is all I need.
Too early for ice cream? TOO EARLY FOR ICE CREAM?! You shut your whore mouth with those bullshit hot takes... Is it too early to get punched in the god damn face?!
Psshhh... Of course the libtard special snowflakes can’t handle race-based child murder. Aww, do the poor democraps need their baby murder-free safe spaces?!
Someone needs to tell ol’ Wayne that if he’s going to live in this country, he needs to learn English...
+1 sandwich (with ketchup)
I wanted to make the big Bartolo Colón joke. But nooo, I’m stuck playing the side stage in the grays. You son of a bitch.
It would definitely be interesting watching the White Sox try to stave off their bullpen woes by offering fans an aged conglomeration of mystery meat and synthetic hormones, impossibly stuffed inside of a casing which will be smoked repeatedly.
Gary Oldman! It’s that truly inspired vision that makes you the perfect Executive Producer for this project.