Ty Cobb's Black Great-Grandfather

In 2009, Michigan place kicker Brendan Gibbons raped a female student. Taylor Lewan, Gibbons’ roommate at the time, then called the victim and threatened to rape her again if she pressed charges.

My god Kirk herbstreit is a fucking dork

He also turned down federal funds for Chicago-Milwaukee-Green Bay/Madison HSR. It was all federal money that would’ve given Milwaukee (and Madison) a huge boost and he shot it down.

Scott Walker can fuck right off and apologize to all the public sector employees he’s demonized and dramatically changed the lives of. Scott Walker is a complete asshole. You can fuck off too.

You should issue an apology for that shit comment.

Public sector Ohio worker here. I’m sorry. Because of Walker, we were able to ram John Kasich’s SB5 right back up his ass.

I’d be happier if spending 250 million to build the Bucks’ new arena sunk his campaign. But that’s the “fun” Socialism that conservatives don’t seem to mind.

If you’re never coming back, how can Albert suck your dick? It's not like he’s leaving Gawker for IJReview or WesternJournalism.

You’re smart.

Public sector Wisconsin worker here. You’re not allowed to hate him more than I am.

My apologies to RuralJuror, which is not only a great movie but also a graylocked commenter who beat me to the dick punch.

It’s almost as if Klemko is a person to whom blame is deliberately and falsely attributed in order to deflect blame from another party, such as the NFL. Is there a word for such a.... guy?

The NFL is a multi billion dollar business through very little effort of it’s own. TV found the sport to be perfect for their medium and that is what brought it to the position it occupies today. NFL films, televising the draft and combine, were all ideas developed from outside the league. Most of the owners are

Until about three years ago.

Sapp is probably not who the NFL wants modeling behavior for rookies, since he was recently charged with domestic violence.

I think Lee Majors is a bit old to be taking the heat for these guys.

Technically, +0