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Hate Tweeting Flamingos is the name of my band. I’m going to sue this guy.

Its a terrible car. Super slow for what it is trying to be.

They were Trabant-tire-level bad.

Turning over but not waking up....typical Ferrari reliability.

His HST impression on the Boxster video was heads and shoulders above this one

South Park made Timmy and Jimmy peers of the main characters. They are not defined by their disabilities, and are annoyed at those who try talk down to them. Jimmy was the hero of a recent season, in which he stands up for freedom of the press at a time when a cowardly town could have cared less.

I find your last sentence ironic. In trying to address vulgar and offensive language that presumes about others, you’ve addressed “BOYS” as the culprits. I see plenty of females on Kinja, other social media, and IRL using all of these phrases.

Good God.

Now all I can think about is that awful feeling at the end of the night where you can feel the hangover coming even though you’re still entirely drunk.

If you haven’t seen it, try House of Cards. Gripping, you don’t want to miss a second of the great writing, powerful yet nuanced performances, and sudden plot twists. You definitely won’t sleep, it’s great drowsy driving fare.

Also the year. Whatever weather you can think of, sooner or later whatever part of Texas you’re in will get ‘way, ‘way too much of it all at once.

Repeated blows to the head. Substance abuse. Abusive relationships. Emotional issues. et cetera.

Yours is a art.

Seems counterintuitive to the "damage to the environment" ethos to render up to half a million vehicles inoperable, or otherwise destroy them, as part of the recall.

Well I mean obviously if the weather is nice you just roll down the window and drive a lot faster. The wind is what kept Lindeberg awake for 25 hours!

Lol, when I’m driving tired, I just text people to keep myself awake. It also helps you sobering up and powering through a hangover.

Seems like an easy choice. Aren’t they paying well above book value? So either get more than your car is worth, or get it “fixed” and be unsatisfied at the (most likely) reduced fuel economy and power.

This damn kids and their stanced cars!!!!!!!

Wait, wrong post, so sorry, move along everyone.


What in the 7 hells are you talking about?! I’m no blogger... but I am a fighter and I watched Jones handle Cormier with ease. Gustafsson gave jones far more issues. Cormier did all he could to not get stopped. This fight will be a joke. The only interesting thing about jones is if he is willing to stop taking star