Clearly batteries. No question
Clearly batteries. No question
I love everything about this article except the title. "so far" just leaves a bad taste in my mouth
@Arggh! there goes a...snake a snake!: What?! I made 2 claims in my posts:
@Arggh! there goes a...snake a snake!: Ohhhh, I see the problem here. You just missed the day in school where they showed you that 5 is more than twice as long as 2! Plus, this says nothing about being fired, many CEO's jump companies to get more pay.
@Arggh! there goes a...snake a snake!: I love fake facts too!
@Spencer Cree: Isn't it a little sketchy to give some random site your UDID? Your phone number and such are tied to it, right?
Did anyone else think that it was going to be a house that Inception was partially filmed in?
#corrections Kyle, I see that you are updating the image, I really think it would be much more concise and clear if you just circled where the breaks in the antenna actually are (not the non-breaks). That way you could see two on Verizon and one on at&t.
@saltysol001: You got 1 sentence correct - "there is a reason that the Verizon phone is being dropped now" - but didn't analyze it correctly. Allow me:
@Sidetalker: and you know
@MJ: EVERY contract has exceptions. EVERY contract also has break clauses. Even if you don't understand that, understand this - EVERY contract can be broken.
@RainyDayInterns: you forgot about the secret Jobsonian blacklist laminated sheet of paper with all of the Gizmodo staff's pictures, height, weight, and blood type that is handed out to security. Classic mistake.
Some will it be the current iPhone (antenna-wise) or the one with the extra break in the antenna? That's the real question now...
@Steezy McFresh: I agree. It's not like they get to pull a magical device from under a black cloth.
Great job turning Steve's hate into a scoop! That's why I love Giz, you guys are always thinking.
ughhh, where's the comment on Apple? There's no such mention in the press release.
Kyle - did it get any faster? This is too slow for me
@DrewCSchultz: touche good sir
yuck, I don't want to click over to E* or S*, can't you gather them up for me over here?
@bucho54: really? Thanks. hmmm, maybe they updated it quickly. I'm on my mac at home now which still has Adthwart (adblock hasnt been autoinstalled yet?) and its working great.