It stays forever
It stays forever
Probably? I'm not sure what the rules are for this kinda thing. Also, I'm being sarcastic if it wasn't clear.
Totally looking forward to a new crop of "Lena Dunham is a pediophile!" comments after this episode. "Not only did she molest her sister, now she's shoving her tits in the face of an unwilling baby actor!"
Yeah, that's true. I guess I just felt that Shoshanna's exclusion of Hannah was pointed and intentional, whereas Hannah's exclusion of Shosh was more flighty and wasn't intended to be a friendship ending move. I don't fault Shosh either way, but I do think she was a bit extra in terms of meanness in the way she…
I noticed the business card, too. Between that and the "have a blessed day," please tell me Marnie is becoming some sort of Christian life coach.
Also, I understand why she would want to break apart from this group of girls who always treated her like an afterthought at best, but her exclusion of Hannah while inviting Marnie and Jessa was strange. Why was she so much more hurt by Hannah's sin of ommision in not telling her about her pregnancy than by Marnie's…
Yes, Shosh outgrew Hannah et al, but despite her growth in that regard and the fact that she seems to have her shit together lifewise, she came across as incredibly shallow tonight. The pride she feels over her pretty new friends and their purses was reminiscent of when she told Hannah she puts up with Jessa's shit…
He's right, you know. Pretty sure the Bible said the final horseman would death drop in on a horse bedecked in sequins, feathers, and padding to make the world collectively GAG.
Was coming here to post the same!
I unabashedly love that song, too and was just jamming it out to it on my commute home last night. My four year old son (who recognizes it from Shrek 2) sings along too, which always makes me laugh since he's essentially singing a song about craving some savage, Greek God-level dick.
I also read that the original character design for Elsa was inspired by Amy Winehouse.
Meadow shows flashes of conscience but was only progressive and forward thinking in the way that most young, college educated people are. It was ultimately bullshit because like Tony and Carmela, she was too caught up in the trappings and privilege Tony's lifestyle provided the family to truly break out of it. Also,…
Tracee burned her kid with cigarettes though.
The Ramsay death reactions are even more jubilant
Niles too, though. That's why it was so so great when, after their visit to Antiques Roadshow puffed them up into believing they were descended from the Romanovs, they learned they were actual descendants of a theiving scullery maid / prostitute and were forced to pay for Martin's RV out of their own pockets and road…
Master Shake is such an entertaining asshole. The voice actor's line readings are just so great that he wrings laughs from even non-punchlines.
What is this, a handsome contest?
I've encountered far too many dudes over the years who remind me of Reilly - know-it-all, do-nothings who arrogantly shout their opinions and disdain for everyone /everything else from the safety of their mom's house.
Diary of a Working Boy is straight-up gold. I've read that book so many times and it still always makes me laugh. Ignatius is one of the greatest comic characters in all of literature.
Lay on, Macduff!
I spit out my booze at that. Don't worry, Thin White Duke, you'll have your chance to do the same next year!