
Violet deserved the win, but I really do love Ginger as well.

Right? According to the inspirational quotes I see on the internet, everyone knows Marilyn was a size twelve! That Kelli Garner isn't a "real" woman!

Oooh, got ya - I thought you were referring to the comment about Johnny's wife. Yeah, Rosalie was the shit, particularly when Ralphie tried to politely end things with her and she just cut him off with, "Then get the fuck out!"

Loved how after receiving Tony's little pep talk, Noah told Meadow that Tony was "lucky I didn't punch his lights out." Punch his lights out! What a big toughie! It's such a lame choice of phrase that perfectly paints a picture of a smug little douche who's never actually been in a fight. Loved Meadow's subtle eye

When they were filming the final season, I worked at an office around the corner from Satin Dolls in Lodi, which served as the Bada Bing and it added an extra hour on to my commute each time they were shooting. Whenever I see any of the Rt 17 locations on the show, I get agita just thinking about it.

Paulie would never flip. Unlike Johnny Sac, he has no family, so there's no real incentive for him to betray his "soldiier's code," the one thing that gives his life any purpose, just to get a lesser sentence.

Ginny (of 90lb mole renown) was Johnny's wife, not Rosalie.

Definitely a pinch of Conesy in there, as well.

Aaaaaaall the way down!

Call in Spielbergo!

Yes, Billy has said Zapp's voice is meant as a tribute to Hartman.

Yeah, I was particularly impressed with Bill's talk show host, which felt like a little shade thrown at Letterman.

This was my favorite sketch of the night and a really funny take-down of the cool girl myth. Amazing Amy, indeed.

I know I'm probably alone in this, but I didn't totally hate Barney. Yes, the bland child actors were terrible (though my husband and I did enjoy snarking over who they had to fuck in order to get cast) and the cheerfulness veered well into lobotomized territory, but it did hold my son's attention while he ate