Ryan Alba

Let no one ever say Jalopnik does not provide practical consumer advice.

When I was in high school. A buddy was not going to make it the entirety of the long, winding, bouncey trip to his house without emptying his stomach contents. I didn’t want to stop, and didn’t want vomitus streaked down the side of the car. I told him to grab the moving blanket from the rear cargo area. (‘94

If Amazon is only for consumer application, they’re going to have trouble with their other blue 55 gallon drum:

Not for the 1st time,

What a time to be alive!

In twenty years, I’m going to absolutely kill at the “Jalopnik Edition” of Trivial Pursuit. That will totally make up for the time I spend reading this stuff.

I always wondered about that. Pretty cool actually, such a small detail makes such a big difference in the look of a cars interior.

Car culture is dead huh? Tell that to me and 20+ other GTO’s who drove around the Bay Area on Super Bowl


Why not?

NAS, car.

The one that possibly in the pipeline is the S1000. It’ll use Honda S660 body with new 1000cc turbo engine.

Or maybe save time and money and kill it and just make an s3000

Is it an NSX Convertible?

I love the old NSX. If I win the lottery within the next decade, the old generation NSX is going to become my daily driver. Along with my Mclarens.

I like the old nsx better than the new one... As a design guy, that front end looks like it has 500lbs of plastic just slapped on it. Just like the other honda front ends. Not good. Way over done.

As long as they don’t do the ‘Bugatti more versions strategy’ = Gold leaf/Burgundy colour scheme limited edition, Chalk Stripe on Infinity Blue limited edition, Sharks Taint leather interior limited edition, etc.

Is there a dumbest fucking comment of the day? There should be a dumbest fucking comment of the day. DFCD. Sir you win. This is the dumbest fucking comment of the day.

actually... its faster in reverse... coz i like to get out of trouble faster than i got into it.....