
Keep your politics out of my space opera! (/s, in case it wasn’t obvious)

Yes after my traditional first run as a giant selfish dick that I do with rpgs with moral systems I’m gonna go full left wing crusader.

The problem is that geese these days don’t have good role models like they used to. That makes them susceptible to copying the bad behavior they see in the media. I only wish someone from the goose community would step up and tell these impressionable young geese that this is not okay.

It would probably be best for him to stay incognito for a while. 

You can just throw them out of windows??”

If he really wanted to emulate the Undertaker, it should have taken him at least 12 minutes to get from the on-deck circle to the batter’s box.

That wasn’t on my Etsy Buzzword Bingo card, but if you need it to win, I’ll allow it.

“We take only the finest, most luxuriant Corinthian glass and break it using an artisinal process known only to a lost enclave of indigenous Amazonian tribesmen and recently discovered by a Los Santos crafter, presenting this to you as the ultimate symbol of broken glass luxury.” 

Can’t be racist against whites! What a wonderful world...

Brown called Mayock a “cracker” and unleashed a barrage of “cuss words” during the altercation

Wait, what? Am I drunk or are you?

I honestly think Ghostbusters 2 (like Predator 2 and Alien 3) gets an unfairly bad rap. I loved that movie as a kid. Big Liberty striding down the street had me jumping up and down in glee :D

Have to disagree, but that’s all on Paul Feig as the director.

I mean booger man or bust amirite?

It’s beyond the sentencing guidelines for a reason; the judge said he wants this to be a deterrent for swatters out there. Even five years is a relative slap on the wrist compared to the consequences swatting incurs. 20 takes a giant chunk of your life, so it will hopefully make some think twice about gambling their

If you can suicide by cop, you can murder by cop.  

You understand the difference between lying to the police and saying that a guy has a bomb and actually killing a person dont you?

“Faked a bomb threat”

“Who the hell is Santos L. Halper?”

This trope is generally pretty tired, but I’m seriously LOL at this use of it.