
I’d love to see a new Prototype, those games were crazy. 

Literally nobody lives up to progressive idealism.

I’m fully expecting your comment to be shadow-banned within the hour. I’ve been complaining about this since GMG took over this rag. The GMG union took a great website, killed it, gutted it, and are now wearing the skin as a costume to further their political agenda. Case closed.

In downtowns, sure, but in the suburbs it makes no sense to NOT have the ability to turn right on red.

I will defend the left turn arrow. No it’s not warranted at every single intersection, but it is really necessary in certain spots where you would probably need to sit through 4 or 5 light cycles before you could even hope to get a gap. 

Normally, I’d agree. But it seems like this article is yet another anti-car hit piece from this supposedly driving orientated magazine. Why do you hate cars and driving so much, Jalopnik?

Are we seriously talking about her wages from 25 years ago for a niche Japanese game that took a major risk on making full English voiceovers, had most of the cast perform under fake names SPECIFICALLY due to being a non-union job (including Hale herself), one of the best known facts about its voiceovers?

Plus, the game was an unknown gamble back then, too. The video game voice acing ‘industry’ was in its infancy. CD based games with the ability to have full voiced characters was less than 4 years old since the PS1 came out in 1994 and MGS was in development starting in 1995 with release in 1998. Previously, any

Adjusted for inflation, she made the equivalent of $2,260.31. Not a killing, but not bad for a day or two’s work.

It’s gotta be on its way. I’d grab it again if it runs on Steam Deck.

Just do it, it will be worth it in the long run. 

At this point no reasonable CTO or small game dev will choose Unity. Even if they roll this change back, the damage is done. The risk is far too high to start a new project that will take years to complete for Unity to suddenly do a rug pull on your project.

Leave Gale at camp, he’s an ass.”

I haven’t yet read the Rolling Stone piece, but the stories I’ve seen blogged about sound very similar to plotlines from the Larry Sanders Show.

For this exact reason I have a ton of gold. Especially because I use Wyll to buy and sell everything, and his high Charisma results in buying low and selling high. 

Yeah that’s me.  I take pretty much everything that’s not nailed down in any place I go and then give it all to the traders

How frustrating that I’m playing the Game Pass version and most of the mods don’t seem to work. Good job Microsoft on making the version of your game sold on your store the inferior version.

Or just make 2 UIs. Thats what Baldurs Gate 3 did.

Having owned EVs for a while, range anxiety goes away. It turns into “I don’t want to pay for public charging when I can charge at home for much cheaper” anxiety. 

You’re confusing demonologists and necromancers.