
Worst thing is, I'll be like Smithers and go "BUT IT"S A NEW HAT!" and buy one ;_;

Naw. Extra costumes are extra costumes. You can't use these the first time through the game.

They couldn't keep her, she was too hard to animate.

And best wishes to her in all her future endeavors.

Problem, or ADAPTATION???

I would be far far far FARRRRRRRR Less afraid of a spider that sized, compared to a thousand little tiny ones that you cant see and have no idea where they are.

There was a misleading article on a Gawker site!

Well, let's not get too dramatic. I'm just a Flyers fan, it's not like...

This fuckin' guy. Lol, that's probably the funniest rebuttal I've seen all day.

Yes, because assuming is so wise.

One of my roommates is a hockey fanatic. You have no idea how much hockey I have to watch. I have Stockholm Syndrome.

"Shuttle launches are audacious displays of smoke, steam, and...."

"How to Photograph Incredible Close Ups of Space Shuttle Launches"

I vote for cinnamon that came out of the Linux Mint project. After GNOME2 was cruelly taken away from us I drifted between a few but found a loving home in Cinnamon. So much so that I barely miss the top panel now. I'm sure I could add one but I'm happy not to.

I will never give up hope.

The Nexus 9 is $400 but the Nexus 6 is $650. What the hell.

Didn't you know? Depicting women in any shape or form in any media is the ultimate sin of misogyny.

I actually thought that was the most touching part of the trailer... It showed that in this version of the future, science and religion had come to a certain understanding, and perhaps even respect of one another.

Of course, you still have to be a cable subscriber to access all the features...