
Not that long ago, people refused to do business with others because of their beliefs and background... they were called Jews. It was easily justified then too. Seems we so easily justify what we want to justify. There's no tolerance, we've just changed what we're intolerant about. How long before we refuse to sell to

Yes, let's mark people for life. Let's all behave as though we live in the Scarlet Letter. Or, the crucible. Those stories ended well, right?

The only problem wit your statement is that marriage in not a right. Never has been. A marriage is granted either by the state or a church/religious institution. Rights are something you are born with, not something bestowed upon you...and the last time I checked, you are not born married.

No second chances? What a horrible person you are.

“I believe that marriage is the union between a man and a woman. Now, for me as a Christian — for me — for me as a Christian, it is also a sacred union. God’s in the mix.” - Barack Obama

This is like let's say GM's CEO didn't support gay marriage. It would be ok for someone to refuse service to anyone driving a Chevy? Really, that's the "right" thing to do?

Okay slow down a little bit. I agree actions have consequences, but I'm really not keen on this modern social justice concept that anyone who's ever made some poor choices or expressed an unpopular opinion should be treated as some kind of poisoned zombie for the rest of their lives.

"for life"?? That's absolutely ridiculous!

Excellent, then you have zero reasons to back away from that stance... oh wait.

Not gonna make you anti-gay to stick to the dictionary definition of marriage.

"People think they can spew crap onto internet message boards and then claim "freedom of speech" when they are banned from the website."

I am not making assumptions about you, I am reiterating what stance you really are taking here, you really are backing up an ethics/moral argument with simply what the law is. You are being that guy, here and now.

"The Constitution forbids Congress from making a law abridging freedom of speech."

"You don't hear about PSN players getting banned because of hacks and such."

"where you connect to their servers."

I like the cut of your jib. I may not agree with you in all things on all subjects, but in this (the protection of the First Amendment Free Speech Clause being as important as personal-bloody-accountability for what we do/do not wish to hear), we are of one mind.

So you think the system will be self balancing by number of reports?

No, it IS your job to manage your own communications, including muting. Muting is an AMAZING empowerment to freedom of speech as there is no contradiction with speech you don't want to hear. Imagine if everyone had a mute button for Westbo Baptist Church... you think people wouldn't use it because "WAAA I shouldn't

"it seems unfair for the other members of the party to be treated as cheaters too."

I'm super disappointed. I thought this was going to be a How-to on actually pooping a rainbow. I would have settled for a DIY on creating one multicolored poop, but no. I can already turn my poop one solid color in my first year at Hogwarts.