Twingo Tamer - About to descend into project car hell.

The Vikings are close to being able to contend for a playoff spot at least. The Browns not so much...

But what would you do if they met in the Super Bowl.

You've previously stated you're a lifelong Vikings fan...

I'm disturbed that this shit stain made it through the significant trials of medical school and yet still holds these beliefs. How does that even happen?

I hadn't heard of her until now, she seems like a completely repulsive moron.

See weed is dangerous and linked to violent crime!

I thought this was dumb until I read that he had a previous DUI. That can even get you fired from companies less terrible than the NFL.

It had some really bad years that put some people off. They seem to be embracing the fun in it a bit more now though, which is an improvement. Watching JJ Watt basically play every role is always fun.

I love that some soft footballs are getting more publicity than the pro bowl. Shows how few fucks people have to give about it.

I suppose it's just the bias inherent in blogging. The information is just to support one point without any concession to other points of view.

It's hard to say it's unfair, yes other sports leverage public money for their stadiums but this is an NFL based article. Within the context of what this article is trying to achieve, encouraging people to watch something other than NFL, it makes sense. There's going to be inherent bias in such a post.


Someone pointed out to me that his wife had joined him and I corrected myself.

Nice attitude.

Yeah I just looked at the last article about him and it says she is.

It makes sense that he fled I suppose, but he ended up leaving a vulnerable pregnant woman behind that then likely had to go through a lot of hardship due to his dumbassery.

If he had took the sentence he deserved she wouldn't have had any issues. He commited a crime, was sentenced to it, then flaked out.

He overall sounds like a complete tool.

I got bored halfway through, did he address why he felt it was okay to ditch his pregnant wife when he ran off to Canada with his tail tucked between his legs?