How smoky are its burnouts?
How smoky are its burnouts?
I'll add this to the list of reasons I gave up riding...
Maybe referring to the lack of a roof? It's still more practical than a motorcycle and people manage just fine with those.
Why can't you drive it anywhere?
It always find it strange when I meet people like that, there's something for everyone out there, no need to be bored.
I feel like most of the situations where a hobby kills a relationship it's usually due to the other partner not having a hobby. For example if you spend say an hour a night on a hobby like wrenching and the partner is left sitting watching soaps since they have nothing else to do it can create a rift. Everyone needs a…
Lift off the throttle.
Robot Wars was badass.
One day the 99% will revolt to take back the doors and distribute them among the impoverished.
It does catch the eye... Hell this one even has doors, it's basically a luxury car.
Yeah I can't imagine he enjoys his job much. Poor guy has had his livelihood ruined by a Renault golf cart. He used to roll in a Honda Jazz, kind of a step down there.
I would imagine both, especially since full doors are an optional extra that his employers apparently didn't spring for. It rains a lot here...
My local dominos has one of these in full dominos livery. Never seen such an uncomfortable delivery guy in my life.
Watching again the mazda spins its tires trying to pull out in front of the lambo and looks like it was in the wrong lane at the junction, or at least partially covering the other lane.
I have to say it looks like the mazda is almost 100% at fault here unless I'm missing something.
Blaming a driver for road rage for not going out of his way to let someone endanger others is ridiculous. You sound like how I imagine those assholes who tailgate you on the highway when you're overtaking a lorry at 15 mph over the limit. Take it to the track if you want to thrash a car thats what I do.
True but I wasn't saying slow is safe drivers are a good thing. I was saying people who think the roads are a playground suck, there's driving above the speed limit then there's shitty lane discipline and sketchy overtakes.
Context dude. Ten over on a tight road with other motorists = asshole, ten over on a highway doesn't matter. On a tight road there's no way I'm pulling over to let some dickbag past if I'm at or above the speed limit, he can put away his ego and wait.
I don't quite see what you're getting at with this comment.
Enjoy your fast and furious fantasy. Ten over the limit and harassing others really makes you a man.