Twingo Tamer - About to descend into project car hell.

I have to say it looks like the mazda is almost 100% at fault here unless I'm missing something.

Blaming a driver for road rage for not going out of his way to let someone endanger others is ridiculous. You sound like how I imagine those assholes who tailgate you on the highway when you're overtaking a lorry at 15 mph over the limit. Take it to the track if you want to thrash a car thats what I do.

True but I wasn't saying slow is safe drivers are a good thing. I was saying people who think the roads are a playground suck, there's driving above the speed limit then there's shitty lane discipline and sketchy overtakes.

Context dude. Ten over on a tight road with other motorists = asshole, ten over on a highway doesn't matter. On a tight road there's no way I'm pulling over to let some dickbag past if I'm at or above the speed limit, he can put away his ego and wait.

I don't quite see what you're getting at with this comment.

Enjoy your fast and furious fantasy. Ten over the limit and harassing others really makes you a man.

The roads are for travelling not your entertainment.


Kinja just doesn't like people who say lolzzz

Peel p50...

And semen isnt a precious resource, even in strictly procreational intercourse its wasted. If god saw it as so important hed male us more efficient at utilising it. Pretty strange thing to say.

There is no link between the bedroom and masculinity or masculine activities. Straight "masculine" guys can do some weird shit in the bedroom too.

So anyone that doesn't prefer boobies cant be masculine in nature?

Mclaren bought an F40 when beginning development of the F1 IIRC

For me (in the UK) it's ricers in hatchbacks, then run of the mill smaller sedans (vauxhalls, audi a4s etc) every genuinely quick car or large luxury car i see is generally nicely driven

Surely they could make the pop up light housings out of spongy foam rubber to conform to pedestrian crash regulations, BRING BACK THE POP UPS

Will this finding make all the idiots in tiny hatchbacks stop driving well over the limit in residential areas and fitting cheap fart cans?

The 0 trunk space of the MR2 gives it the win in that case

Pretty well made, bit of a dick move by Ferrari since it doesn't affect their business in the slightest. I'm sure the buyers of these replicas wont have been on the list for a new 458 any time soon...

Conversion looks okay from the front, the back not so much. Scary price too CP