
I remember when Madden 95 or 96 was released and we had a party at my friend’s house with a mini-tournament. One friend kept saying how great it was because, “It’s 16 megs!” When asked what that meant he just stopped and said, “I have no fucking clue, but it’s 16 megs!”

They put it on the box art of every Sega Master System game, too.

And that’s MegaBITS, not MegaBYTES!

This family makes the Borgias look like the epitome of healthy.

LMFAO she wasn’t carried to the van. Stop.

It was over 80. She was a short person in a crowd of people, making it hotter. Humidity was high. She was wearing a shirt, long sleeve coat, and a kevlar vest. She got overheated. We know this is it because SHE WALKED OUTSIDE UNDER HER OWN POWER ABOUT AN HOUR LATER.

Dude, 80 degrees in NYC is not mild temperatures, and she’s wearing a full suit, body armor, and probably shapewear.

Fucking people on Twitter - “SHE WAS ONLY OUTSDIE FOR 90 MINUTES”.

Oh, goody. Now I get to hear all the conservative blow-hards at work talks about how this proves she’s medically unfit to be president. In her defense, I attended an outdoor event in the Southeast yesterday, and damn near tapped out before the program started because of the heat. Since HRC has been running on about 3

You need to warn me before you make jokes that make it impossible for me to breathe.

This I believe is true. Not to give them any credit, but true bigots have actually given some thought to their prejudices and why they feel the way they do, as deranged as they are. Donald is simply prejudiced against anyone who isn’t Donald Trump. Anyone - wives, ex-wives, and even his children. Does anyone believe

Oh — Emirjeta Xhelili? Of the Mayflower Xhelilis?

He says whatever will work or feels right in the moment.

I’ve never been convinced that Trump particularly hates Latinos, women, Blacks, Jews, gays or anybody else. Most likely, Trump is simply sociopathic, narcissistic, insecure, confused, and empty.

It was just a matter of time unfortunately.

What does “America is the ark of Noah” even mean?

America feels greater already. /s