
I like the part where she suggests that part of the problem with giving women equal rights is that gays might end up with equal rights.

He. Seems. Like. A. Nice. Person. Just.Kidding. He Is.An Awful. Person.

There’s nothing quite like dictating what women are allowed to wear in public in the name of feminism.

Look at those harlots, showing a disgraceful lack of skin! They should be ashamed for......

I took my daughter to a municipal swimming pool and was pretty jealous of the two women there in their burkinis. While I was worried about my butt hanging out or if I looked fat they were just enjoying time with their children.

What that lady in the photo is wearing is almost exactly what I wear to the beach, except my outfit is called “swim tights” and “rash guard,” not “burkini.” And I don a floppy hat instead of the hair wrap. Why? Because I have very fair skin that fries in the sun. I tend to cover up entirely if I’m spending any real

Ann Coulter bombed and Phyllis Schlafly died. What a weekend!

So did she go with the basket of hamsters this time or the usual bushel basket of grubs?


your produce doesn’t deserve that!

It was a gift to us all.

She is a despicable human being. Fuck her. Oh, hey everyone!!! Today’s non Ann Coulter update (that worthless piece of shit): It’s 5:08 PM in Dubai and the Heat Index is currently 121 degrees, or as the rest of the world says, 50 Fahrenheit. You could easily roast Ann Coulter on a spit in this weather. Also, here’s a

She buys groceries?! I assumed her sustenance came from turning her head 180 degrees and eating the face of her partner during copulation.

Jewel’s response is lovely:

“We’re the party of Lincoln! You remember him! He fought a whole big war to free the slaves! So, basically, ignore the last 50 years of actual policy and remember the guy from 150 years ago. Clearly, we care more about civil rights than those dirty Democrats.”

I love that this is the Republican narrative. It’s like

Drumpf offered policy specifics for the inner cities: he called for a revitalized Motor City, with “factories everywhere” and “new roads and bridges” as well as “new schools—especially schools.”

One of the great honors of my life was when my elementary school held an invention fair and invited Donald Trump to help judge the competition. He didn’t show up like he promised, but he sent a representative with his submission, a pair of rollerblades with a wheel cover so you could walk on grass.

Does cat burglery count?

Have you ever tried to do an aerobic activity in leather?

Because passing motorcyclists. :D