That gif is fucking amazingshityahfuckinggothatsawesomeballs
That gif is fucking amazingshityahfuckinggothatsawesomeballs
Soooooo uh..... what was in the backpack?
Now I have to check every couple of months to make sure my paycheque doesn’t get stopped
The backpack thing is just subway etiquette, isn’t it?
Additionally, holding your backpack in front of you is a great way to avoid having things stolen from you.
Fuck those people, they were in the way*
In the eyes of the Christianized N. American
We, the Somalis, are simply killing time before we can fly back, in droves, to the Horn of Africa.
dressed in hijab and niqab while carrying a backpack.
:) and our Canuck Golden Girl Penny Oleksiak right beside her.
Someone in the production room was fapping to the young women in spandex.
Black and female.... NBC probably only saw an empty podium
Curious if the nurses were even properly trained in obstetrics.
Awwww poor baby.
So, can I say I absolutely love your username ABagOfTrouble!!
In my experience, only men have asked me for hugs and in professional settings.
Aren’t you lovely. Bless your heart.