That tone is authority and command. Something wholly unfamiliar to them not coming from Gunnery Sgt. Hartman
That tone is authority and command. Something wholly unfamiliar to them not coming from Gunnery Sgt. Hartman
It’s getting dusty in here
Megyn..... of FOX news.....
her mother brought her up to take it like a man essentially (should be changed to bad ass from now on.)
the award-winning 1997
That got me too, the make up and the lighting makes her look jaundiced, my knee jerk reaction was to worry about her liver.
solely by money (you better believe Melania’s ring is fucking spectacular).
a nice little ring from etsy or something would be nice.
Afraid afraid afraid....
True rebel that guy
Nice, will have to catch up on that one
Reminds me of an old SNL skit...
What’s going on with Kanye there? Seriously dude get some sleep.
One of those new drugs kids are doing nowadays
Cerritos is a place?
Sorry I was distracted by Emily Ratajkowski.
Always thought it was weird that it was pegged as a broke-ass-college-kid food
Any Little Debbie’s in the refrigerator are a godsend.