Getting rid of a program that leaves you open to lawsuits and does not increase profits is a sound business decision.
Getting rid of a program that leaves you open to lawsuits and does not increase profits is a sound business decision.
I do not have to BE Timberlake to know he has no obligation to put up with hate. I don’t have to BE Seales to know unsolicited advice is probably not going to be well received. We are all human beings with a lot more in common than not.
I think you overestimate how much anger flows from skin color versus how much from celebrity in general. We all have the same privilege to focus our limited time on this earth where we judge it’s best spent.
“ridding ourselves of the idea of the tortilla as a blank canvas.”
Most people are in dire need of recognizing their lane and staying in it. Seales is today’s exhibit A.
Seales is right FOR HERSELF. She should not think that generally applies to anyone else.
As is most of the internet. Including Ms. Seale’s hot take.
“definitely an example of white privilege”
He’d prolly just paint over it. Like any non-publicity seeking person.
The student athlete does benefit from playing ball, with free tuition room and board to one of the country’s most elite and expensive private schools. The athlete also gets preferential, non-academic based admission. Yet another benefit of playing ball not available to students who have done hard intellectual work to…
No. I mean an alleged student athlete.
A ball player is only prevented from unlimited greed while being a “student athlete”, aka an ametuer. No holds are barred when the player “turns pro”.
We all end up dead at some point.
Gee, I guess acceptance without academic merit, free tuition room and board at one of the most country’s most expensive and elite private universities isn’t enough pay for playing a child’s game.
That’s nice. Begs the question though of “so what”. How does declaring a social concept a public health crisis change anything?
Opening the state has no relationship to the test backlog though.
I think you should hang out with a better class of losers. I know a shit ton of super squeaky clean non sexually deviant middle aged folks of both genders. They drink and smoke, but have never assaulted or raped.
Because it isn’t at all true but it’s how the Democratic party bosses keep power.
Well it sure won’t change by voting for whatever putrid corpse the party bosses pay or threaten you to vote for.