life is not a game of chicken, child. SMH.
life is not a game of chicken, child. SMH.
You are still too immature to be inspired. But hopefully not too jaded to be educated. Good luck.
You may not hate me personally but are still hate filled.
You are dripping with hate. Perhaps consider therapy before it kills you.
Adults take calculated risks. Children are rash .
I really wish I could give you a link to basic education.
Oh look at you graduating from bigotry and prejudice to hate speech!
So cute to consider basic arithmetic and logical thinking as poor sources 😉
You are a bigot. Perhaps remove the plank from your own eye before worrying about the splinter in your neighbor’s.
Dear sweet summer child, hug fests are for babies. Adults face risks and take on life.
Well there are 350 million Americans under lock down. Logic is my link.
Not a Christian but I do admire the consistency and revolutionary thinking of the the theology so thanks for the compliment.
Millions die locked in their homes. I’m not willing to have that. You can live your life how you choose.
Your grandparents were actively involved in the struggle not locked like zoo animals . The human right to self determination is not petty. It’s fundamental to life.
They claim the human right of self determination.
It’s the definition of prejudice to apply your personal experience to prejudge other’s faith.
Hmmm. Prejudice isn’t the same as fact.But you do you.
Feeling blessed at Christ’s sacrifice on your behalf IS Christian tradition. Educate yourself.
Are you willing to pay their rent? Buy them groceries? No? STFU
Likely they don’t qualify for the government checks and HAVE to work because “white privilege”