
Fortunately for me, you don’t know me. Unfortunately for you, your hatred has melted your brain.  Do take care.

Unfortunately for racists the crime is disproportionately located in minority majority enclaves.  So there is that.

US population is 77.7% white as of 2013.  Bless your heart.

I feel you must be suffering from the delusion that the subject was Trump, not Martin.  I think it’s called Trump derangement syndrome.  

She’s not a Palestinian Woman. She’s an American, A Senator and a member of the Democratic Party.  Any member of any of those communities has a perfect right to tell her to take all the seats if they see fit.

Jeanine Cummins, who claims Latinx heritage,”

Hillary is a bad candidate and no one likes her.  Hopefully she’ll finally slither away after Sanders does what she could not, beat Trump.

It’s clear you have an aversion to facts.  Good luck.

“Cosmo maintains its decision. “In my view, the nature of the organization is neither here nor there,” Pels wrote. “both phrases and the belief systems they represent are rooted in racism and therefore problematic.”

A racist is someone who doesn’t think certain lives matter based on skin tone. Like yourself.

Sorry facts don’t support your personal racist narrative.

Trayvon Martin was shot while beating a man’s head against the pavement by the man he was assaulting.  It was, tho, on his way back from the candy store.  So there is that.

Yesterday was just Monday for most people. I don’t think what holidays you observe are a good measure of your “wokeness”. But you do you.

Most Americans value their Constitutional rights pretty highly.  Your false choice notwithstanding.

No culture owns braids.  Or hair.  Or ugly wigs.  Suck it up buttercup.

Sounds a bit fascist to me. Would you personally be in charge of determining the content of an object’s character?

You’re not only woke you are aggressively woke!

Oh dear this again. A Japanese company appropriating European culture and you’re outraged about the wigs?  Suck it up buttercup.

Because he hasn’t faced justice yet.