“am I some dumbshit”
“am I some dumbshit”
I doubt that you have never gotten a ticket for the same infraction more than once. Perhaps you just forgot?
Her non-profit did not follow IRS rules. She accepted “donations” from people before her husband’s committee. AKA “kickbacks”.
You’ve never gotten repeat speeding tickets? Remarkable.
You can have a life outside your job, just don’t expect to get paid for it.
So, women who work less hours with more interruptions in their career for childcare make less money over their careers than women who work continuously without interruption and more hours? Sounds fairly self evident.
True. Especially, If said black man ate said spinach where it was illegal to do so.
Evidence required.
It’s usually reserved for people who don’t back talk the officer.
Arguing with a police officer will always at least get you in worse trouble.
Hard work is not your cup of tea I guess.
As I white person I’ve been ticketed for eating in the metro several times. So apparently the enforcement is selective for those breaking the law.
The ticket IS the arrest. Educate yourself.
Is derp a taco topping? Because then it’s relevant.
Computers can’t be programmed to understand the illogical fantasies of the warped human mind. That’s a good thing BTW.
Exogenous sex hormones don’t change your biological sex.
You can’t change your chromosomes. So no. Medicine can give you a cosmetic overhaul tho.
Lol foodservice is a tough business not for the faint of heart.
Nothing immoral about tacos.