Trust me, the sight of a penis doesn’t destroy women.
Trust me, the sight of a penis doesn’t destroy women.
Unfortunately, neither does this grandstanding woman get a say. Her resolution will fail hopefully she’ll have the grace to sit back down quietly in her seat and do actual work. But I doubt it.
Lol. What a juvenile response.
You seem to be mad.
What a showboat 🙄
That is exactly what an adult says. This one happens to be a rich adult.
So you are saying newly immigrated black women are immune from racism? That doesn’t make sense. Maybe it’s the cultural practices adopted after a couple of generations in the U.S. (that is the “black Americanization” of African immigrants) that actually has more to do with mortality.
Using another’s address to falsely enroll in taxpayer supported public schools is a big deal, hence harsh penalties. It is theft from the taxpayers.
Or keep a rapist as Virginia Lt Governor. Oh wait....he’s black isn’t he?
Still born means born dead. Not choice. You can add misogyny to your racism. Congratulations.
The governor does not overturn laws. You’re thinking of the legislature. Education. It’s a good thing.
Or rape twice and still remain Lt. Governor of Virginia, but don’t let facts cloud your racism.
Apparently the baby was stillborn, but don’t let facts get in the way of your racism.
Public schools are taxpayer funded, hence cheating your way into them is fraud and theft of public funds.
Apples and oranges. Cheating your way into a public school is stealing from taxpayers. Not at all the same as a private university. Once again, not racism.
When you offend people as a public figure you humbly ask forgiveness. She does not need you to defend her.
Omar is a public figure who offended people with her callous tone. Nothing disingenuous about pointing that out.
America is a country with racist people, like yourself, in it. Omar is a public figure and doesn’t need you or any other “defender”. Stand down.
It’s not your right to judge how this man or any other grieves.
His mother was murdered. You should let him have his one day of mourning and not be a dick about it.