
Plenty of white people grow up speaking Spanish.  Hispanic is not a race.

Hispanic is not a race.

Israel and Egypt have a peace treaty going back decades,”

Dear lord the pearl clutching has got me nearly strangled. Rich guys ogling girls displaying themselves in hopes of crumbs. What will they think of next?

Doesn’t that kind of mean that Ted’s dad was....an illegal immigrant?”

The House is scheduled to vote this afternoon on a resolution to condemn Trump’s latest racist outburst.”

He does have a job though. Shilling for another corporation.

I don’t think you understand what “think” and “believe” mean. They are the same.  No factual support = no factual support.

Straight people DO face questions about their sexuality routinely. It’s not just a tired trope to laugh at the “40 year old virgin” or the “nancy boy” or the “frigid” woman or the “slut”.

the exaggerated gay stance and posturing Peck adopted in the article has no place in “respectable” outlets like The New Republic.”

who happens to now identify as gay doesn’t make him qualified to run today.”

You can easily be a racist within your own peer group, see colorism.

suffered to make space for the people who had the privilege to wait and lie about their identity and gain power in society by doing so.”

I saw on John Oliver that even no-rush delivery is still torturing workers”

Quite a few people have zero slaves in their family past. Slave holding was a rich man’s game limited to less than 5% of southern households by the start of the civil war per the 1860 census and less than 2% of the nation overall.

Citation needed.

Small children’s opinions on “greatness” are not at issue here.

Pro tip. Most people have busy lives and don’t actually care that much which slot B you put your tab A into, much less where you live, what you borrow or who you hold hands with.

There are federal laws that address discrimination based on sex.

She isn’t a hero.  She’s a very good soccer player.  Take her for what she is.