
@MichaelPalin: Oh, well then my mistake, and yeah you're probably right.

@Dalek-it-like-that: Let's not forget how insanely hot Jennifer Connelly was in that movie...*drool*

@Lassus: I agree and disagree. While maybe the plot was somewhat meh, the technologies displayed were very realistic and portrayed a very plausible future-world.

@MichaelPalin: A lot of people would disagree with you as 2D platforming seems to be coming back in a lot of ways. Hell, they sold a ton of Megaman 9 and 10 and that's 8-bit 2d platforming. People love this stuff, and honestly so do I. It's simple, fun, and endlessly entertaining.

@The_DarkStar: I understand that horse racing in its current form is disgusting. Nothing better than racing extremely young, under-developed horses until they're useless. Right?

@Almightywhacko: I wouldn't call .3 inches "much larger." 2.2 hits the Galaxy S phones next month, and if you pick up the lag fix now then the Galaxy phones are far faster than the EVO. Don't get me wrong, the EVO is a beautiful phone; it has several features the Galaxy's don't. And of course, physical keyboard is

@Almightywhacko: Meh, the Epic is better. Well, if you like having the physical QWERTY that is.

@lauwersp: Obvious troll is obvious!

@techynottreky: Yes, but there's only one iPhone. Making Android open allows all the other hardware developers to keep making more and more badass phones. Eventually the iPhone will fade away, unless Jobs can figure out how to put one out every year, and somehow learn that glass isn't an appropriate material to make

@Turkieshooter: That's not the problem at all. If these phones all ran stock Android, getting updates would not be an issue. Unfortunately all the handset makers have to put their own crap on there (Sense, TouchWiz, MotoBlur) and thus makes the phones harder to upgrade.

Neither. Either get a netbook, or Apple needs to figure out how to make the macbook Air's screen swivel and turn into a tablet. I would approve of such a device.

@scrapking: I think that the guy's last name was "Stringfellow" had something to do with it.

@LordThayer: Lmao. Loopy directors? So I'm guessing you think FF7 was a crappy game. Or maybe 8, 9, and 10? Oh let's not forget 3. Nevermind, I don't know why I bother.

@Shinta: I don't think it's hate exactly. If it wasn't a Final Fantasy I probably would've liked it more, but you can't slap such a legendary title on a so-so plot, and completely linear game and not expect people to be pissed.

@buddhatooda: Thank you for that wonderfulness. I just about spewed coke zero all over my keyboard. You win one internet.

@LordThayer: Phenomenal script? What game did you play? FFXII was the downfall of FF ( I don't count X-2 as a real FF). I seriously wonder if you've played other FF's to make that ridiculous assumption. You need to go play Lost Odyssey to see where FF really went. Once Sakaguchi left, that was pretty much it.

@Sakilla: The internet has been around a lot longer than 31 years.

@the7k: This would also explain why the recent FF additions sucked.

@Bio-Wizerd: That's not true at all. A good friend of mine currently has the highest xboxlive gamer score in the state I live in. It's sad watching him play. All he wants to do is get achievements. It's like the games hold no fun at all for him. Whereas my gamer score is at about 18k and I relish every minute of the