
bad troll. 2/10.

CORRECTION: Arena Football Fan Gets Absolutely Wrecked, Leans Out Over Field

If you're referring to Fox, I avoid them even more than CNN.

I actually can't beleive some people wake up in the morning, put their shoes and their coat on and go protest outside abortion clinics everyday.

GRADE: D (drinking a glass of orange juice mixed with chocolate milk)

I practically have a shrine for my cats and those fuckers are still alive

He's a bra is half full kind of a guy.

How to Get Fired or Forced to Apologize 101.

You addressed classic examples of racism and blackface in the US, good job. You do realize that this is a case of a *Brazilian* man who chose to change his entire persona into what he perceives as Asian, right? He is not using his new face in order to demean or entertain, but rather underwent surgery because he has

But see, you're talking about people reducing a race to ethnic stereotypes in a mocking fashion (which is what those frat-style stupid parties are about) and yes those are wrong. There's a difference between some dudebro frat guy putting shoe polish on his face at a kegger and, say, a history teacher assigning a

I'm a straight woman who feels like no one's attracted to me. I "peaked" over ten years ago according to men. At least men don't depreciate like fucking cars. Whyyyy do men think women are never lonely, rejected, ignored?! Is it because the "dime pieces" are literally the only ones on your radars?

"Elliot Rodger and company aren't the mentally ill outliers that the media (and the NRA) depicts them as. They're much more common than we want them to be. They're capable of being functional members of society."

She is gorgeous but I can't help but feel like her presence is more of Tyra going "I'm so fantastic, look at how generous I am!" I really cannot stand her. Still, I hope Chantelle goes far on the show and beyond. Break down those walls!

YES #TEAMSEALION. The dogs of the ocean.

Also: "Narcissist complex" is not a thing.

Asperger's is not a mental illness.

"But some women are making it out that mysoginy and men feeling entitled to women is what is causing this rash of lethal violence against women."

Mark! You're back!!