
FYI, it's none of our jobs to personally educate you about the issues with college administrations and handling rape cases. As I said, there are dozens of articles on this site, even more on Gawker, and even MORE on the whole wide internet. Educate yourself if you're actually interested, don't get mad and calls others

Since you've never even heard of RAINN (the most famous anti-rape organization in the world) I am going to give you the benefit of the doubt. I will assume you ask in good faith. I don't think it's a crazy question, why go to the college and not also go to the police. You're getting deserved pushback because asking

You most certainly know someone who's been raped and someone who HAS committed rape. Of course the rapist could very expected to keep silent but it's telling that so many victims feel compelled to.

Because it reveals that you do not know the most basic facts a out rape. Which I already stated. The reasons WHY women do not report are well known and cited by any source that covers rape. As I ALSO stated before, any cursory study of the subject would have revealed exactly why women do not report. Ergo, you have not

Don't even try and pull that "You're just angry with me cause I'm a man" shit with me, dude. Rape and all the lesser forms of sexual assault harassment and assault are HUGE, DAILY factors in womens' lives, and you as an adult man don't give enough of a shit about half the human race to think twice before you ask a,

Why don't——-? Seriously? If you have to ask that, you need to go to RAIIN and read up. It's such basic knowledge in any discussion about rape that it makes me wonder.

Sadly, it is possible to be a careful and grammatical writer and yet be duped by a cheating sociopath. No need to ask me how I know.

"Not to sound like a grammar elitist, but," is to grammar elitists what "I'm not racist, but," is to racists.

If an upside-down, chandelier-hanging wedding cake is wrong, I don't want to be right.

May I present Jay Mohr?

Or, it's a gracious response to an ugly and untrue comment. But hey, don't let me stop you from assuming the worst.

And you know this because you... have done extensive polling? Or do you just know a couple of dudes from high school who loved Clerks? Who made you an expert on Kevin Smith's fan base?

Of all the people I know (a lot) who love Kevin Smith movies (and did when we were 18 or under when Clerks was released) none of them were or are misogynists and many of them are female. You're making a broad generalization about many, many people.

Losing an argument? Change the subject.

Yeah, the movie has sick jokes in it. Kevin Smith makes movies with sick jokes in them. If it's a matter of taste, that's one thing. But you can't look at the movies he makes and say this means he can't have mature thoughts on gender.

So Kevin Smith can't even make the mildest of jokes on Twitter for fear of setting off his rabid fans? Bullshit. He did exactly the right thing; he just told them to STFU. He shouldn't be restricted to talking about rainbows and unicorns because some of his followers are dickheads.

I don't think 5 misogynistic tweets out of 2.5 million followers really justifies making broad generalizations about his fans. I have no doubt that a subset of his male fans of any age are misogynists, but I think tarring all his young male fans with the label is reductive and insulting.

"Your child is being kicked out of school, no one will miss that one."