
Yes! Yes! Yes! Nothing destroys soap scum in the shower like baking soda and vinegar! And nothing de-clogs a drain like it either. Ever left a tube of chapstick in the washer and now it's leaving grease stains on your clothes? Pour a cup of vinegar into your washing machine and run it through a cycle with hot water!

The Sweetness At The Bottom of the Pie is fantastic, I am a librarian and I have recommended it to lots of different people and each one came back and told me they loved it.

That chick is high as a kite

Mary didn't ask this guy to put his shirt on, he never had a shirt in the first place. She actually asked a another contestant who had done a crunking routine and had taken his shirt off in the middle of his performance to put his shirt back on or she wouldn't have been able to concentrate on her critique. Nigel

I am stealing "Like Krusty the Klown, but sexy..."

I am almost positive that anyone who could write such utter rubbish, could not be a "perfectly nice person"

and sounding like an ignorant jerk is also a choice, one you have obviously made. Instead of forgetting political correctness why don't you try to forget posting on here because you are what sucks about the internet. It's not up for you to decide whether or not this woman should have had her feelings hurt. If you

How in the world did you get to be a 'starred' commentator? You write crazy posts that have nothing to do with the actual article, then continue to make crazy statements while picking fights with anyone who calls you out on your crazy reactions and your passionate reactions to everybody's comments keep showing over

Turns out Carey Mulligan and I have similar taste in hair cuts and men! A vague hint of a mustache and a guitar get me every time.

well done!

I don't think the issue is that people are making fun of the song, it's that parents are desperate enough to make their kids famous that they are willing to put down a lot of cash to let two untalented guys with a camera film their young children singing truly awful pop songs, that often make absolutely no sense.

Dear Jewel, you are the WORST

@geekgirlliz: Um so maybe because I am snowed in and have nothing to do today I decided to go back and respond to all their comments... Who knows if they will ever go back and read that page but it was a lot of fun and very cathartic! See if you can guess which responses are mine! :)

Do not look at the comments under the picture of Gabourey Sidibe and her boyfriend, if you don't want to spend the rest of your day ranting against trolling idiots!

@shananigans is needlessly vocal: Morning Gloria Sunday Dirtbags are my absolutely favorite thing of 2010 as well! She is hilarious! Elton John's baby in his own apartment... genius!

@noteven: I suppose the silver lining here is that they believe in evolution?

One uncle said while talking about cognac "Cavasier, that's the stuff the black people drink." The other uncle brought up an interesting point when we were talking about Mongolia. My dad had seen a show where they talked about how there is no fishing in most parts of Mongolia because they believe that the fish are

Morning Gloria please write 'Dirtbag' everyday. You made me laugh so hard ginger ale almost just came out of my nose.

Go UMASS! I was too excited about Drake wearing a UMass sweatshirt to really pay attention to anything else!