
If you want to contact the author directly, her Twitter is @alfordalice. They don’t always wade into the comments. If you want to share anything else about the case, you can reply to me. I’ll star it and get it out of the greys at least.

Thank you for your efforts, Susan! This is an awful situation. I hope the media attention places pressure on ICE to do the right thing.

Search for “delicious black bean burritos” on Allrecipes. They’re really good and have 21 grams of protein. Add black beans to anything you can!

U Visas are intended to encourage people who have experienced everything from domestic and sexual violence to violence from cartels to cooperate with law enforcement and prosecution. Do you really want someone deported to be murdered instead of helping bring criminals to justice?

To me, it’s a very personal choice that I would hope those considering it weigh the consequences very carefully.

“Lord, is this island Satan’s last stronghold where none have heard or even had the chance to hear your name?” he wrote.

That's what I thought, but I couldn't tell if I was reading it wrong. Thanks!

I’ve had two this year. It’s awful. I’m sending all the best pregnancy vibes and an awkward hug from the Dark Lord.

Oh, this one is good! 

I feel like whoever killed that bird should have eaten it both as a sign of respect and to gain its power.

I replied that he couldn’t tell me what to do since my brother was the head of our family.

I can’t take this out of the greys, but I appreciate you posting it. This is a little weird:

Oh, I agree with you that they might try this. I went back to the code, which I should have done in the first place. This answers some of my questions, but I’m not a lawyer. I would guess that you’re right about their...interpretation.

I can understand that. We’ll see what happens!

Can you show me a source saying that submitting information to the AG instead of Mueller would be legal? I’m not trying to argue. I’m trying to understand where bypassing the special counsel would be acceptable when the whole point of a special counsel is that DOJ felt the need for an independent investigation.

Mueller has indicted 32 people. It doesn’t really seem like he’s hedging to protect anyone or further an agenda.

He outranks everyone there, so, if I’m not mistaken, he can pick and choose what he decides to pass along To Mueller since he outranks and oversees Mueller.

But there's no path that keeps the information from Mueller in the first place, right? So we're back at it coming out during the Dem investigations, which I'm not happy about but is better than the alternative!

What has he done that makes you think he won't follow through?

I don’t think the information will get filtered through Whitaker until the report is finalized. I could be wrong, though.