
The state polls typically suck, though. Polls in general keep getting worse because the volume of scam calls and spoofing make us not answer our cell phones.

I broke my Magic 8 Ball, so I'm no help, either.

He has the eager, earnest excitement of a labrador retriever and a genuine love of polls, numbers, and everything else that makes me want to launch myself out of a window.

I voted for the Cap’n to respect his service and sacrifice for our country.

That sucks! I'm so sorry.


Please play along and ask them what the mob is going to do!

This is also why voting in your local elections is vital. Far-right Evangelicals in particular cultivate candidates for city councils, county and parish boards, and school boards so those people eventually run for state office and win.

Cruz’ traveling salvation show father believes Ted Cruz is anointed to make the US a Christian theocracy. It explains a lot about Ted Cruz.

I don’t know what’s happening, but yesterday during the purge, Tomato as Wishing on a Falling Star or whatever claimed Shuffling the Deck is his current persona. That whole thread is gone.

Lawyer Jezzies will know, but it that's a real department issued hat, I'm pretty sure you're not allowed to wear it to political events. 

He’s basically just saying he’ll murder a few justices. 

It’s The Purge. We have to earn our way back into their good graces. 

First they came for the senses of humor... ;)

I can't take you out of the greys anymore, but this was quite funny!

We already know you’re TomatoFace. I would have commented on that thread, but it appears gone now!

“In an effort to make this transition of power as smooth as possible, we’d first like to honor all season ski passes purchased in the Canadian States of America at several of our beautiful resorts. We will also honor many so-called bro deals wherein a verbal agreement to hook you up with a week long river permit in

Next you’ll tell me that’s not a real aviator-sunglasses-wearing-bear.

It's so good!!

I agree on the wrap dresses! If you get something really simple, just dress it up with jewelry and sparkly wedges. Here’s a faux wrap with more of an empire waist that comes in different colors at Macy’s: