
I think the choices are shifting, but there are a few big pieces here:

None of this appears to apply to when he puts a pubic hair on my soda can.* What do I do then?


If you crumpled paper from the 18th century, would it crumble?

Yes, and that sucked. It didn’t legalize discrimination, though. It made the data harder to track when an institution makes fewer than 500 mortgage loans a year. That’s not a big hurdle in a small market, so I don’t disagree that it seems like shitty policy.

Don’t get me wrong. I’m frustrated, too. I was serious when I said someone should look at the tallies, and I think we should see all of them. Let’s see how the votes stack up compared to the constituents who cared enough to call or email.

The whole point of these drills (active shooter, weather, you’re literally on fire, whatever) is so that when you’re terrified, some part of your brain or the brains around you might remember where to go and/or what to do.

He’s not courting undecides. He’s representing a purple state. Whether we like it or not, the letter next to his name matters.

Or maybe the people who contacted his office were overwhelmingly in support. Older polls suggested WV favored confirmation.

Trump doesn’t make policy proposals he can’t do via Executive Order or regulation change. Manchin votes with Republicans sometimes. The people he represents are pretty purple. Look at the change in recent years:

What exactly would your restructuring proposal do other than create an additional lower court? I’m honestly curious. A panel composition gets bandied about (under questionable Constitutional authority), but the full court would still be the Supreme. “We’ll just have the less Supreme Court look at this first” seems no

For the people:

Garland didn’t get a hearing because Republicans controlled the Judiciary Committee. Arnheim is right. We don’t have the numbers.

No need to apologize. It’s incredibly frustrating, and your points are well taken.


He definitely never publicly said he had any “difficulty.”

Thank you! I listened again as well, and you are right. 


The UN press conference was amazing. Nearly every American reporter repeated the question he didn’t answer for the previous reporter. They called on one another, and it sent him off the rails in a very revealing fashion.