This is perfect to throw in a bag, especially if you don’t need anything but a connector for SATA to USB for IT work.
This is perfect to throw in a bag, especially if you don’t need anything but a connector for SATA to USB for IT…
This is perfect to throw in a bag, especially if you don’t need anything but a connector for SATA to USB for IT work.
This is perfect to throw in a bag, especially if you don’t need anything but a connector for SATA to USB for IT…
Found this:…
This. I could have written this verbatim as a response. Some people spend a crap ton of money on a PC (and upgrade it every time something slightly better comes out) or a laptop, others get by just fine with a $50 Amazon Fire tablet. Some spend 10's of thousands on a car to drive 10 miles a day, others ride a bike…
It kept looping me through the same questions, I thought it was possibly asking me different questions with the same pictures, but it wasn’t. Oh well, I am pretty sure my poop is fine. It is supposed to fizzle when it hits water right?
How is it the battery consumption on the i7? We have the XPS13 in our work environment. All are i5's. A couple VPs demanded i7's so of course the got them. The battery life compared to the i5 is horrible. So much so that the VPs are now demanding an i5 model. As in the i5 was getting real world 5-7 hours of battery…
How is it the battery consumption on the i7? We have the XPS13 in our work environment. All are i5's. A couple VPs…
Fingers are an excellent applicator. Also washable. Use one stick, use your fingers to apply to your foot. Don’t double dip.
How long are you going to keep this laptop?
How long are you going to keep this laptop?
Maybe do not dry all the way, and hang them to complete the drying? I found that dry cleaning my shirts gives the best option. But only a press, no starch. For me, it is worth it if I want the shirt to look great. I can’t iron worth a crap.
I think I know what your talking about. I do a military tuck on my shirts to make them more fitted. It is folding the sides so the front and back are flat against my skin, but the sides are a bit bunched up. Here:
If your hands are full with what you are putting in the cabinet, a handle is not useful. How useful would this hack be? Not sure, but it could be more than a handle in that instance.
I have had a few cameras attached to the windshield of my cars, some are going on 3 years now. Both with suction and tape. Tape holds up fine as long as you do minimal prep to the windshield first.
I have had a few cameras attached to the windshield of my cars, some are going on 3 years now. Both with suction and…
Before I start, I am not sure if you are referring to the B40 or the Mini0805 So my answers will be a bit generic. Sorry for that.
Before I start, I am not sure if you are referring to the B40 or the Mini0805 So my answers will be a bit generic.…
This. Get the video to your phone, don’t have a micro sd card slot on your phone? Go get an adapter. They make them for most android phones and iPhone.
This. Get the video to your phone, don’t have a micro sd card slot on your phone? Go get an adapter. They make them…
We could have been brothers. My Father taught me all this as well. The only time we had tradesmen in the house was when it was built, the HVAC was gutted and replaced or when he added on a room to the house.
I would hope that the orange glow would be the absence of colored pixels not the addition of colored pixels. Or Apple is “doing it wrong”.
1) If they spin me, the camera may not catch it. If I get my nose pushed left, and they are right, the camera may not see the car when I am now nosed into a retaining wall. You are assuming that the person getting hit can right their spin without crashing, get their car lined up with the car that hit them, and get a…
1) If they spin me, the camera may not catch it. If I get my nose pushed left, and they are right, the camera may…
Not really, my wife’s FB will measure the bumps in the road as her walking. She has to take off miles of “steps” every day because it can’t figure out she is doing 60mph in a car, and that she probably isn’t walking. It syncs with her phone, which is with her, you would think it would occasionally see, “Hey she moved…
We did this in our beds, great th4e first year, second year we had a couple weeds, easy to pull, by year 3, it was almost grass on one side. Lots of weed pulling and now spraying. It is year 5 now, no more weed pulling, just spot spray the crap out of it.
Yes, this. I drive 40 miles from home to get to my work. I know how to get there, but I don’t study the area around me. This would be nice for those times I am trying to find a new place to eat (I usually pack my lunch).
I would imagine longer lasting as well. Especially if just sitting in a bag 99% of its life. I carry a sharpie in my bag for work as I need to mark things on occasion. The last time I needed to, was a few months ago. Pulled the sharpie out of my bag yesterday to mark something, and it is dead. It was old, but not more…