
Kala honestly seems isolated as fuck — even more than Wolfgang, who often deliberately pulls away from the rest of his cluster, she feels less likely to visit others and more isolated in her own life. I'm interested in seeing if this ends up going somewhere, or if it's just a quirk of the narrative.

Oh. My. God.

The girl is in fact dead, she was killed by Whispers

they really toned down the orgy scenes huh?

Uh, SHIELD is easily fantastic?

One of the biggest shames about Continuum's cancellation is that they never got to do whatever they were doing with that character. She's cool, and I'm glad the actress is still getting work years and years after the BBC's Robin Hood.

It's not already done, but it's happening. I gather it's a co-production with the BBC, though. Perhaps that's where you got your wires crossed.

Prediction: that tumour in Raven's head is the second coming of ALLIE. It was caused by ALLIE's possession, and their failure to correctly exorcise it. It's now appearing to her as Becca, ALLIE's avatar. It needs the nightblood transformation to escape from Raven's body and rebuild its network.

They've lost the actor who played Bryan to another show, so this is clearly how they're choosing to deal with that.

I can say, from what I've heard, that if you romance the teacher, she will later break up with you by the end and say that she'll only re-open the relationship when he gets older.

Oh, no, don't get me wrong, I'm not hopeful. But I'm not going to be disappointed or annoyed if it's crap.

We could talk about Nightmare Princess's orb (maybe her physical shape?): it has fangs and turns into the moon, which made me wonder if it had any connection to Moon the Vampire (since she shows up too)

I reckon it's because The Expanse is not nearly as audience accessible, at least early on.

I'm fascinated with what they'll be doing with Heathers.

Can they make Marcus and Sandra regulars already? I love all the cast on the show, but they're kind of my favourites.

Nah, that was Aleks Paunovic — he's on Van Helsing now.

The show only got renewed last week. If the renewal didn't happen, would the show end on that scene of Quentin and Julia?

Like Dead Like Me and how everyone died by falling over all the time.

Or finish the Six Feet Under ones.

Yeah, and there's no Lisa in the Six Feet Under trailer. Some people were holding grudges.